40 Page Essay & Research Paper Examples

65 samples

What does a 40 page essay look like? Find the answer below!

40 page essays are 9950 to 10000 words long (double-spaced 12 pt). They contain 100 to 133 paragraphs. A paper of such a length is rarely an essay. You’ll more likely be assigned a 40 page research paper or term paper at the graduate level.

How long does it take to write a 40 page essay? Such a long piece should be properly planned. If you need to perform research and add references, you’ll need at least 40 hours. Trying to complete such a serious task in one day is not a good idea.

If you’re searching for 40 page paper examples, look at the collection below. Get inspired to write your own piece with the samples we’ve prepared!

40-page Essay Examples: 65 Samples

Organization Theory and Behavior

Pertaining to the assignment process, a proper assignment process should comprise steps aimed at the understanding of project priority, development of linkages between the strengths of each of the project managers and project demands, and [...]

Renewable Energy Policies in Thailand

Craddock defines renewable energy policies as "Regulations or incentives that are created to encourage the use of renewable energy, and the main purpose of these policies is to increase the production of renewable energy".

Nokia Pure View Smartphone Marketing Strategy

In order to achieve the above objectives, other key issues such as the geographical environment where the Nokia targets to market the phone, the target population and the competitors in the market will also have [...]

Shopping Malls in Dubai

The main objectives of this research would be as under: To know details of some major shopping malls of Dubai, To identify aspects responsible for shoppers' experience in Dubai shopping malls, To identify the significance [...]

Privatization: Review

This papers look at the issues to e considered when privatizing a security company as well as the process involved in the operation Kosar defined privatization as "The use of the private sector in the [...]

The Terrorism and Oil Industry Relationship

Since terrorism is a source of political instability in the world, there is expected to be a positive correlation between oil prices and terrorist attacks. The purpose of this research was to examine the relationship [...]

The Third-Party Logistics in the UAE

The researcher used the thematic and coding method to analyze the data and the findings revealed that the scope of doing business, quality concerns, and sociocultural factors affected the rate of 3PL adoption in UAE [...]