5 Page Essay: Examples, Topics, & Word Count. Page 31

12,280 samples

Globalization and IT Business

Information technology has significantly led to the improvement in effectiveness in the supply chain. Through the development of information technology, it becomes easier for an organisation to conduct important research which can be useful, for [...]

Under the Influence of Alcohol

This paper highlights the summaries of the myths and facts regarding alcoholism as presented in the book, Under the Influence, a precise explanation of alcoholism by examining the underlying causes of alcoholism and how its [...]

Curriculum and Instruction Revisited

While designing the curriculum, it should be ensured that the assessment, instruction, and curriculum collaborate to challenge the students. In this regard, the instructional content and strategies should be tied to the experiences that students [...]

Teaching English Language Learners

To determine the reading and writing abilities of students, students should be encouraged to take English tests more often. In addition, the efforts of the students should not be limited to the use of certain [...]

Concept of Internal Marketing in Business

The behavioural characteristics of the population are considered to be the major principle according to which companies shape their segmentation and placement strategies as well as the overall marketing aimed at increasing profitability, improving the [...]

The Concept of Product Development

The main objective will be examination of the effect of new product development processes to the Organization's performance and general attitude towards the use of 'Natures' energy drink within the market environment.

The Peak by Four Seasons Franchise

Included in the Peak by Four Seasons franchise investment are: Beverage services Culinary equipment/Furniture Personal effects such as towels, dishes, and toiletry Marketing the Peak by Four Seasons by these hotels The Peak by Four [...]

Metadata and Tools in American Express

The ETL tool is used in the data integration section of the master data management implementation to alternate, standardize and transfer data to the master data management hub. Another factor that companies should consider in [...]

Gun Control in US

In order for the gun control to ensure a reduction in the rate of crimes, there should be an evaluation of the impact of the gun control policy on availability and accessibility to firearms, especially [...]

Buddhism in a Post- Han China

However, the influence of Buddhism was because of the collapse of the Han dynasty in 220 AD. After the fall of the Han, most of the scholars in China abandoned the Confucian philosophy that had [...]

Major Global Corporation: Toyota

The analysis will especially lay emphasis on a brief overview of the company, a somewhat detailed description of Toyota' s operations management system, an evaluation on the use of teams in its production and operations [...]

Indian Boarding Schools

This paper seeks to reflect on the events that led to the establishment of the schools, what life was at these schools and their effects on Indian populations, this is in regard to the larger [...]

Criteria for Personal Philosophy

For the sake of trying to bring philosophy back to sanity, the filmmaker of the Examined Life examined some famous philosophers in the public arena with the aim of relating philosophy to everyday living and [...]

Financial and Fraud Auditing

Financial audit is the review of financial statements of the organization. The information provided will show that there is sufficient monitoring of the actions of the people in managerial positions.

The Three Methods of Water Supply

However, the dams do not tap and retain all the water on the upper side of the river. As a result, geologist must intervene and examine the level of the water table and determine the [...]

The Crusaders and the Church

The information about the spoiling and mistreatment of pilgrims angered the crowd and hence they were ready to take whatever action the Pope told them would be necessary to take back the Holy land.

Women in Early Christianity

Most of the research on women in early Christianity has grown out of the contemporary debate over the ministry and priesthood of women, with the result that the literature is heavily weighted in favor of [...]

Digital Economy: IBM Case

The use of IBM applications is executed in these three flows including the product, information and the flow of finances. In this step, the company defines IT strategy and necessary infrastructure.

Modern Marketing Strategy

The customer knows that he or she is getting a good product and the marketer is able to obviate the uncertainty discount Clemons According to Molesworth, Nixon & Scullion giving the example of a university [...]

Green Purchasing in Furniture Company

A simple discussion by Burritt describes green purchasing as a process of engaging in purchasing practices that are environmentally-conscious with the aim of promoting the reclamation and recycling of materials purchased by the company.

Marvel Entertainment Case

By examining the profitability and financial performance of the company, it is easy to conclude that the company customers are receiving the positioning strategy adopted by the company positively.

Race, Ethnicity, Family and Religion

Religion on the other hand, is important as it forms the basis of ideologies that a given people would ascribe to family. This occurrence shows how religion is dear and important to the lives of [...]

Sports Medicine

Sports medicine is an important field of medicine because it deals with preventive, curative, and rehabilitative aspects of physical fitness and injuries in sports.