Problem Solution Essay Examples. Page 2

314 samples

Global Business Study – The Hofstede Study

Therefore the problems that Azure Sky Tea will face in its endeavor to expand business are as follows: The differences in the core culture between the national cultures The difference between the corporate culture induced [...]

Incivility in the Workplace

In this case, much attention should be paid to the absence of organizational culture which facilitates the resolution of conflicts or disputes and creates an environment in which employees feel committed to the goals of [...]

Michael Jordan’s Tennis Shoes

The primary reason is the desire to be the first or among the first ones to wear these designer shoes. Some members of the society believe that the best solution is to sell the product [...]

The Clarity of Lake Tahoe

The paper entails a comprehensive description of the environmental issues being experienced at Lake Tahoe by analyzing the clarity of the lake and the major pollutants causing loss of clarity.

Website for a Guitar Shop

Some of the benefits of the online/transactional strategy include the ability for businesses to provide a larger variety of products than competitors with physical stores, the existence of a sense of community between the business [...]

Cisco SCRM in Action

Thus, the alert system available to the Supply Chain Incident Manager should be incorporated into the risk management system. It can be effective to ensure suppliers' capacity to issue the alert.

School Music Festival Concert

The preliminary rounds will be designed to ensure that only the participants who measure up to the high standards of the competition are allowed to go on to the next stage of the competition while [...]
  • 3.6
  • Subjects: Art Music
  • Pages: 8
  • Words: 2208

Geothermal Project in Eden

The project section describes the setting of the engineering project, and the social, economic, and environmental issues surrounding the same. The construction of a geothermal power plant and the subsequent extraction of geothermal power from [...]

Handling of Bio-Terrorist Threats

The army should be steadfast in mobilizing information from the public on key security issues which will help in countering bio-terrorism Communication between the citizens and army causes not just common individuals be conscious of [...]

Blue Screen of Death

Being experienced in consulting, Anne had a big range of responsibilities within the bounds of the project; however, when the day of the project presentation to the Mining Inc.came, she found that her companion, Zubair, [...]

Minority Groups Issue in Modern World

It is the continued sidelining of minority groups over the years that has resulted to the minority groups coming up with various strategies so as to advance their interests and ensure that they also participate [...]

Bechel Company’s Decisions Modelling

Some of the problems the company is presumed to have included issues to do with optimization of their sales of goods and services and reducing their cost of production. The model identifies the maximum or [...]

Wildlife Management in Urban Areas

The end result of reducing the number of predator and carnivores in a given ecological system will cause an imbalance that allows organisms in the lower levels of the food chain to multiply to the [...]

The Ethics Problem in Business

To get the intended, the study digs deep into the existing body of literature in the field of business ethics to have a hint of what scholars have concluded concerning the problem under scrutiny.

Safety and risk management

Management has to demonstrate their commitment to safety measures in order to attain the objectives of the safety procedures. Management has to demonstrate their commitment to safety measures in order to attain the objectives of [...]

The Global Water Shortage

The rate of child mortality due to water crisis is estimated at 45% in 2004, and 59% in 2012. Water shortage is a global challenge that seeks to unite the world.

American Education Reform

The use of tests is vital for monitoring student learning, but the current accountability system under the NCLB Act has brought about serious implications including: reduced attention to critical elements of the curriculum that are [...]

Alcoholism Causes and Curing

In addition, professional counseling is equally important as the specialist can be able to access the level of alcoholism in the patient, how dependant that person is on alcohol and such information which would help [...]

Existing Business Expansion Plan

Deadline and milestone: The XYZ New Store will try to finish all the initial functions within three months of project approval by the board of directors, for instance, preparing documents for the registration the name [...]

JVA Corporation Simulation

In analyzing the current position of JVA Corporation and its future performance projections, the best strategy to employ so as to save and preserve the overall net profitability of the company is reviewing the corporation's [...]

Digital Crime Problem and Its Solving

There are myriads of security software in the market that have been designed to help in combating digital crimes. International security bodies such as Interpol and the FBI have been put in place to help [...]

Car Air Pollution

Further, NO2 can prevent the flow of oxygen in the blood to other parts of the body like the brain. These toxic substances settle in the lungs and disrupt the normal flow of air in [...]

Business Plan Essence and Viability

For a business plan to appeal to the reader, the market analysis should focus on the external factors that present the growth opportunities to the business and how the business plans exploit the opportunities so [...]

Internet Tools for Dirt Bikes

The level of the technology that a company has impacts the profitability and the going concern of the business. Expenses related to the internal and external communication of the organization should be reviewed from time [...]