Free Report Examples. Page 7

12,489 samples

AT&T Audit and Analysis

Due to the success that the company has enjoyed over the years, it has managed to be among the largest companies in the region in terms of size and revenue.

Analysis of William Merritt Chase Art

One of the most brilliant works of Chase was the painting titled Study of Flesh Color and Gold, which was painted in 1888, and was first displayed in 1897 at the Art Institute of Chicago [...]

South Africa’s First National Bank

Critically evaluate the research on leadership, organizational transformation, and emotional intelligence as presented in the case study outlining the merits and limitations of these concepts as applied to FNB' organizational context The topic of leadership [...]

David Jones Company Analysis

It is evident from the figures that the increase in the Profit before Interest and Taxation was more than the increase in average assets.

HelloFresh: The Human Centered-Design

At the same time, Marcus and Wang argued that the direct involvement of customers in a company's problem-solving scheme is achievable with the adoption of productive and realistic human-centered design.

Agthia Group’s Changes After Merger

Consequently, the primary goal of the paper is to conduct the analysis of modifications in the organizational chart before and after the acquisition, describe the departments in charge of the takeover, and introduce the reporting [...]

Fashion Industry and Vera Wang

The fashion industry is one of the most rapidly growing industries in the world. The lack of fashion and good designs in the bridal wears forced her to bring new designs to the bridal industry.

Waste Recycling Technologies in Dubai

The purpose of the current research is to investigate the trend of recycling in Dubai. To evaluate the statistical relationship between the monthly household income and the frequency of recycling for a household.

The Dorchester Hotel: Reputation Driver

In this report, the focus is to identify a reputation driver that shows this brand is underperforming and to find ways in which the weakness can be addressed to ensure that the reputation of The [...]

Energy Intake and Expenditure Analysis

Determination of relationship between energy intake and energy expenditure is therefore important aspect towards determination of maximal energy expenditure, optimization of fat expenditure as secondary source of energy after carbohydrates and capacity to achieve energy [...]

The International Fisher Effect Theory

It is quite difficult to empirically prove International Fisher Effect due to the unobservable and immeasurable nature of the expected inflation rates and the expected real interest rates which are key factors in International Fisher [...]

Description of a Toddler’s Room

The physical layout of the room is composed of different parts and sections where the various objects and equipment lie. With the parents as the guardians to the children, communication between them and I would [...]

Ethical Dilemma Analysis: Easyriders v. Hannigan

Hunnigan represents the case of California motorcyclists filing a suit against the Commissioner of California Highway Patrol for the purpose of permanent injunction against stopping motorcyclists on the ground of officer's subjective opinion that helmets [...]

UAE Cybercrime Policy and Its Effects

However, the lack of information regarding the concept of cybercrime, the ways of inhibiting it and the tools that the UAE society can use to prevent cybercrimes are not completely obvious.