1350-Word Essay Examples. Page 31

4,220 samples

Excessive Crying During Infancy

It is well known that the core of the character of any individuality is mostly based on his psychical reactions, which, in its turn, are being directly formed by the thoughts, emotions, and feelings that [...]

The Use of Animals in Entertainment

Introduction The use of animals in entertainment has a long history, starting from the amphitheaters of the Roman Empire. At that time, along with gladiators’ combats, the entries of hunting and killing bears, bulls, and exotic African animals, were often presented to the public. However, at present, the ethical issues in this field became the […]

Ancient Works of Literature

According to the author, the king is "given such glory of war, such honor of combat, that all his kin obey him gladly till great grow his band of youthful comrades".the character of the king [...]

Oh Tae-Suk’s Romeo and Juliet

Oh Tae-suk is a South-Korean playwright and director, well-known for his masterful portrayal of modern Korean life and the use of the elements of the traditional Korean theater in his plays.

Cisco Strategic Alliances

On the same note, this essay will focus on a multi-company strategic alliance between Cisco and its' key partners in an attempt to understand the key factors and pitfalls arising from such alliances.

Helpful Asset for the Field of Corrections

In his book, Foucault addresses the essential ways in which discipline might become a helpful asset for the field of corrections and improve the process of creating the required freedoms for proper control over the [...]

Environmental Law: Bruce Case

A plan taking into consideration the expected environmental impact of the development as well as the measures taken to minimize the impact of the project has to be prepared and vetted by these parties for [...]

The African American Woman’ Identity

The paper will bring out the meaning of interlocking nature of oppression in relation to African American identity and how racial identity intersect with other aspects of identity such as gender and sexuality.

Inflation Targeting in Emerging Economies

Debates supporting the concept of inflation targeting are premised on the idea that recession remains as a greater challenge relative to the state of high inflation. The basis of inflation targeting is always to monitor [...]

Crocodile: Reptile Characteristic

In order to crash the prey, crocodiles have very sharp teeth and powerful muscles for holding the prey tightly within the jaws. The size of a crocodile depends on its ancient species.

America: A Nation of Immigrants

Overview America is a nation that has been built by these immigrants and therefore the extend to which the country should remain a nation of immigrants is a hot debate that can bring a lot [...]

Breach of a Law: Critical Thinking

The case discussed in this paper is an excellent example of an ethical challenge in which one participating company must decide on a course of action including whether to continue as one of the parties [...]

History of Pythagoras Theorem

The elementary components of the theory are believed to have been discovered and utilized by the ancient Babylonians, and probably the Chinese approximately 1000 years before Pythagoras proved the theorem in about 500 BC.

Gender Issues in the Law and Order Arena

This is therefore an analysis of the gender issues that affect the service providers and especially of the female gender during their duty of service in the law and order arena by critically looking at [...]

PwC: A Company Worth Working For

Diversification The company's business model of diversified revenue streams has contributed to its success in the accounting and auditing industry. The firm has a code of conduct that it applies in all its branches.