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Education Funding Sources and Laws

Studying Title 1 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, Black notices that the initial purpose of the Act was to provide equality about educational opportunities for the students coming from low-income families.

The Improvement of the U.S. Economy

Mainly, the paper targets the issues of the U.S.fiscal debates, the introduction of the American Reinvestment Act. According to the review of the content of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, the beneficial reformations, which [...]

Cadbury Takeover by Kraft: Failure Analysis

The job cuts, however, were the main cause of resistance and poor work relationship between employees and the management. According to The Independent, employees were dissatisfied with how the acquisition and restructuring of the company [...]

The Marshmallow Test Effects in Education

In the test, the self-regulated learning, which focuses on the process of attaining personal goals by utilizing self-generated thoughts and controls, emerges. However, the internal contributions focus on the self-regulated achievements that include self-monitoring, self-recording, [...]

Minorities, Immigrants, and Crime Prejudice

While these assertions are often mythical and baseless due to deficiencies in documented facts, they have nevertheless continued to be used by the larger public not only to profile minorities and immigrants but also to [...]

Salzman’s and Miner’s Views on Anthropology

Drawing on the work of Radcliffe-Brown, Malinowski, and Durkheim, Salzman explains that anthropologists seek to understand the "interrelationship between cultural elements", This reminds the reader of the discussion in Thinking Anthropologically of "interdependence" and "inter-relationship" [...]

Homophobia in Sports: History and Factors

Sociologists attribute the prevalence of homophobia in sports to the recurrent patterns of socialization in the sporting fraternity. There is a need for sensitization on the issue of homophobia and how it affects cohesion and [...]

Third World Feminism and Its Challenges

As a conclusion, Sa'ar states that "it is rooted in the code of familial commitment, which is primarily masculine and includes women only secondarily," which makes it difficult for women to commit to the family, [...]

Outsourcing and Software as a Service

Outsourcing is the act of contracting an outside party to business to perform the business processes that could have been done by the outsourcing firm. The propensity of companies deciding to outsource is based on [...]