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Teen Suicide and Depression

In a recent national survey of teenagers concerning their information level and attitudes toward youth suicide, Marcenko et al revealed that 60 percent of the adolescents in the survey knew another teen who had attempted [...]

E-Learning and the Non-Traditional Education

Online learning or e-learning is the best example of the continuous assessment style of non-traditional education. Whether the traditionalists agree with the non-traditional education processes, and despite the usual claim that the practice of credit [...]

Causes of Discrimination in Society

The main causes of discrimination are racial prejudices, gender, national and religious stereotypes, social categorization, and sexual orientation. Racial profiling is one of the vivid examples of racial discrimination and racial prejudices.

The Problem of Somnambulism

A state categorized under parasomnias, disorders that intrude into the sleep process, the issue lies in the disturbance and its causes and not on the impact of this disorder on the person's sleeping or waking [...]

Dell Corporation: Sales Opportunities

The sales opportunities in the business environment can be exploited by a sequential or phased launch of the products in different global markets planned to keep in mind the relative strengths and weaknesses of the [...]

“The Terminator”: Aspects of the Movie

In the sequels, Terminator 2: Judgment Day and Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines, Schwarzenegger reprises the role, but with a twirl: Schwarzenegger is the hero but not the criminal, playing a dissimilar but visually [...]

Administration of Justice: America History

During these particular years, most of the traditional forms of punishment could be applied since they were the only ways of administering justice to the members of the society so that they could live upright [...]

Significant Career of Bill Murray

Both Lost in Translation and Broken Flowers feature Murray in a dramatic role infused with some innate sadness and sense of loss and, unlike many of his less successful colleagues, Murray's talent with the genre [...]

How Poe Builds Suspense?

The use of language and stylistic techniques enriches the suspense and horror of the actions being described. For instance, in The Masque of the Red Death, the prince is depicted as a madman who enjoys [...]

Jewish Film as a Part of the Movie Industry

During the last generation the term has acquired a central position in psychological and social theory due, perhaps, to greater awareness of the dislocations in the relationship between individual and society that characterize the process [...]

Understanding Sexual Selection

We realize that high species richness is not linked to one of the particular assumptions, sexual selection, alone but sexual selection may be linked to species extinction rates.

American Connection Flight 5966

The NTSB found out that the cause of the incident was rooted in the pilots' inability to follow well-grounded procedures and thoroughly conduct and direct a non-precision approach at night in the instrument meteorological condition.

Global Terrorism and State Security Measures

The essay discusses the topic of global terror and attempts to answer the question "Has the escalation of global terrorism caused an increase in state security measures?" An extensive literature review and analysis have been [...]

Eastern and Southern African Art: Pottery

The commoner particles in the clay also acted to contain reduction within the bodies of the wares for the period of cooling, which was carried out gradually to reduce the risk of thermal stress and [...]

Gun Control versus the Right of Autonomy

This discussion presents the 'harm principle,' arguments for and against the liberal interpretation of this principle, and presents Lafollette's reasoning that the banning of guns, particularly handguns does not violate the tenets of this principle.

My Journey Through Liberal Arts

Art is one of the main forms of liberal arts which influences the perception of the world and understanding of its beauty, allows a person to adapt to the new environment, and develops critical thinking [...]