11 Page Essay & Research Paper Examples. Page 6

1,783 samples

New Product Development (NDP)

The paper also conducts interviews on customers and company employees about the reception of Google China's new products with the aim of developing an understanding on the effectiveness of NPD practices of the company.

Apple Inc. in a Global Environment

Apple has been able to continuously and repeatedly develop innovative products and therefore create and sustain a competitive advantage in the technology industry. Senior executives at Apple have a critical role of recruiting and introducing [...]

Feasibility Study: Shake Burgers

The industry's growth has been stimulated by a number of factors, which include an increase in the consumers' purchasing power, especially amongst the young generation, and a rise in the level of inbound tourism.

Company Analysis: Subway

The main task of this entity was to manage the operations of the restaurants since its number of franchises continued to grow to the extent of penetrating the American market even deeper.

Flydubai Competitiveness

Thus, the demand for flights is expected to increase as the popularity of LCCs increases in Asia and the Middle East.

Causes of Land/Boundary Disputes

Inducement, nepotism, scam, and clientelism in land management and national land control are familiar phenomena and result in increase in cases of land disputes worldwide.

Marketing Principles at Tip-Top Accessories

Given the proclivity of the business environment to lean towards the conception of assimilation of knowledge, market strategists have to expand their scope to meet the growing demands in the market to keep the business [...]

Project and Stakeholder Management

Within the context of project management, the word stakeholder can be defined as any individual or "organisation that is actively involved in a project, or whose interests may be positively or negatively affected by execution [...]

The Excellence and Symmetry Approach

The approach adopted in the paper links the concept of excellence theory and the two-way symmetric communication in PR practices. Models of PR and the dominance of the two-way symmetrical perspectives Communication is strongly entrenched [...]

The City Council of Portsmouth Project Management

This proposal outlines the core aspects that the contractor will consider in the process of implementing the project. In the course of implementing the project, the contractor will undertake proactive risk designation in a bid [...]

Salesforce Backup Solutions

Over and above that, the paper lists strategic steps on how to assimilate Salesforce Backup frameworks into micro-organisations for data safety in the event of system failures and adverse data loss.

Developing a Growth Plan for a Restaurant

One of the core aspects that need to be considered is that it currently has an enormous potential to become one of the leading companies in this market, and it is going to be discussed [...]

Development of Toyota Motor Company

The growth of many corporate entities in the world today is attributed to the entrepreneurship and innovativeness of the founders. In attempting to analyse the impacts of entrepreneurial activities on the development of the company, [...]

Ineffective Leadership in a Workplace

Therefore, in the critical situation of the project failure, the leader of the unit and team is responsible for completing such short-term objectives as the reorganization of the team and the implementation of the new [...]

Structural Family Therapy

A chance to work with children and their families proved the idea that family therapy had to be based on trust and loyalty to the ideas; and the role of a therapist should not be [...]

Overmedication in School-Age Children

Health professionals have contributed to the increase in the number of medicines that the school-age children use. Parents should ensure that they give their children foods that are balanced nutritionally to improve the cognitive and [...]

Exelon Company Strategic Plan

The energy sector has the role of producing the much-needed energy for industries and other human activities: from a general angle, companies in the sector have the role of ensuring Exelon Corporation was initiated in [...]

Operational Management Effectiveness

This will demonstrate reliability of the bank to the customers and prompt them to come again Communication skills These skills are also a crucial requirement for the customer service representatives of the banks to have.

Risk Control Systems and Performance

It is, therefore, the duty of the organization's owners and operators to establish the link between the prevailing risks in production and distribution process for energy products and vulnerabilities inherent in the risk control systems.

Customer Satisfaction Management

Even though time and effort are important factors in determining the improvements to be made in services and products, customers still remain to be the main determinants of the future success of the business.

Pre-Raphaelite Artists

The Pre-Raphaelites artists opted to go back to the aspects of art that involved copious details, complex compositions of Italian and Flemish art, in addition to the use of intense colors.

Strategic Thinking and Leadership

The ability of a leader to develop strategies, implement them, learn them, and understand what need to be changed for the betterment of the organisation is key to innovation and strategic leadership.

Social Media and Marketing

This report aims to address social media and brand in areas of social media and brand development, new social media and brand community, sales transformation, and ethical issues.

Zara Company Analysis

An analysis of the production process of the commodity illuminates the intricacies of innovation and creativity within the fashion industry. For a graphic explanation of the financials in the company, refer to the appendix.

Cycling Culture in France

This prompted the political optimists and individuals profiting from the changes to equate the change with progress and the promise of a greater future for the nation.

Greening of Hotels. Concept

This paper will discuss the concept of Greening Hotels, its effect on the various stakeholders including the customers, the significance of this concept, what the future holds for the development and growth of this noble [...]