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Inas El Degheidi’s Life History and Impact on Art

This paper makes a retrospective study on the life, background, and lifestyle of this filmmaker as well as her contributions to the advancements of performance arts and to the fight against gender discrimination and sexual [...]

Child-Centered Play Therapy

The education of parents through the direct involvement in the process of play helps them to build the psychologically competent parent-child relationships aimed at resolving and prevention of social, emotional, and behavioral problems in children.

Chinese Yuan vs. American Dollar in 2012

When the international currency, more specifically the American dollar, fetches very little in value of a local currency, then that implies that the local currency is strong, which in turn corresponds to the strength of [...]

Group Conformity in the Movie “Fight Club”

Thus, if an individual is in a certain circumstance, which is somewhat similar to a certain group's circumstance, they are more likely to adjust their own attitudes and behaviours and adopt the group's behaviours/attitudes towards [...]

Cellular Fluid and Regulatory Mechanisms

This paper describes the components of a cellular fluid and regulatory mechanisms for achieving electrolyte balance in the ICF and ECF. The ICF comprises the fluid within the cells, and it is the primary constituent [...]

Lake Erie Water Pollution

There are worries among the members of the community that the lake could be facing another episode of high toxicity, and they have called for the authorities to investigate the main causes of the pollution [...]

The Spirit of the Marshall Plan

The political and military tension between the United States of America and the Soviet Union soon after the end of the Second World War made it necessary for the United States to spread its influence [...]

Graph Theory’s Origins and Development

Having studied the map of the city and the layout of the bridges, Euler simplified and abstracted the problem to get rid of the redundant details; as a result, the city was represented as a [...]

Volunteering Effects on Happiness

Taking that into consideration, it is necessary to pay an increased attention to the effect that volunteering and all the people connected to it produce on representatives of one of the social groups whose opportunities [...]

Health Care Issues Impacting Texas

Therefore, it is very important to pay close attention to the conditions under which healthcare services are offered, the opportunities that people could use to get health insurance, and the reasons why the state was [...]

Third-Party Logistics, Trends and Designs

Christopher adds that third party logistics mixes the elements of expertise, process efficiency, and technology to create a strong logistics operation 3PL providers are able to support supply chain requirements across the product lifecycle of [...]

The Art of Sculpting: Michelangelo’s David

The Renaissance was an era in the history of Europe that was exemplified by blossoming culture, starting in Florence towards the end of the 15th century and, from then on, spread to whatever remains of [...]