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The Concept of Justice Reinvestment

Justice reinvestment entails the reduction of expenditure on prisons maintenance and reallocation of these funds to the development of communities. On balance, it is necessary to note that justice reinvestment is an effective and necessary [...]

Do We Need the NSA?

The citizens of the United States took the news of the NSA spying on them with shock and discomfort. When the whistleblower broke the news that the NSA was running an illegal program that was [...]

Media Machines Make Us What We Are

Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. In this post, I would like to respond to the arguments presented by the affirmative team. Close attention should be paid to the concepts of global village and media life since they are used to show media makes us what we are. Furthermore, it is critical to examine the role […]

Terrorist Attacks in Paris, 13th November 2015

According to the "trend watch" section in Merriam-Webster online dictionary, after the terrorist acts in Paris many people came to search for the meanings of such words as "surreal" and "nihilism": "words looked up following [...]

KIA Motors: Strategic Management

Considering the Porter's Diamond of National Advantage, the paper aims to analyze KIA Motors and its activities on the European market, evaluating the company's efforts on the international market, and the influence of the four [...]

Control of Sugar in the United States

The United States has two Tariff-Rate Quotas that govern the importation of several types of sugar."Some of these sugar imported includes; refined sugar, sugar syrup and raw cane sugar".

Employee Rotation Analysis

Employee rotation programs are a necessary operational aspect that needs to be implemented where expediently since the variety of job roles given to a worker helps to sustain their interest in what they do resulting [...]

Youth & Society Review

In the following paper I have my goal to review the article by Robert Crosnoe, Kristan Glasgow Ericson and Sanford Dornbusch about the factors reducing and moderating the impact of deviating friendships among the adolescent [...]

Internet and Its Effects on Business

It is also applied in the Internet business just like in any other form of business where the customer-vendor relation is the crucial determiner of the course of the business. The customers have to be [...]

Enron: Corporate Debacle

Because the company was involved in the provision of wholesale services and risk management, it was allowed to act as an agent in the provision of goods and services to the consumer.

Mythology: Term Definition

The early inhabitants of America, like other ancient groups, derived their own legendary stories on creation of the universe, the people and the locality together with their heroes and their deities in the universe.

Values and Ethics: Poverty in Canada

The case study1 has indicated for instance, that the number of people living in poverty in 2003 is at 4. A group of individuals would therefore be granted the mandate to lead the others in [...]

Criminal Sanction and its Importance

The other operative role of criminal sanctions in the enforcement of these laws is that; these sanctions are used as the basis on which criminal prosecutions regarding the violation of these laws are lodged.