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Discovery of Human Remains: Cadaver Dogs

The practical dissemination of canine investigation activities in law enforcement activities is in sharp contrast with the lack of literature on the issue of requirements for cadaver dogs' activities and training methods.

Teenagers in the UK and Carrying Knives

The number of teenagers in the UK carrying knives for use on each other has slowly been increasing during recent years and the media is not publishing stories about knife crimes out of the blues; [...]

Application of Criminological Theory

The major reason for the intervention, in this case, is to identify the cause of the student's criminal behavior and help him to undergo rehabilitation and fit in the school environment.

The History of Japanese Tea Ceremony

The first point discuss the development of tea ceremony in early period, the second point discuss the connection between Shogunate and further developments in tea ceremony, and the third point discuss the circumstances and reason [...]

Asian Youth Gangs Analysis

Like most other forms of gangs, younger children are more easily persuaded to join than the older crowd as most of the time it is the leaders of each gang that are in there twenties [...]

Conspiracy Theories of 9/11

Another layer of theories states that the events of September 2001 were initiated by the US military and the government which tried to gain the confidence of the American people and inspires racial envy and [...]

American Constitutional Law Analysis

Subsequently, in view of the American Constitution, which was drafted in 1987, the framers of the constitution according to Allan2 was with the intention of limiting the governor's powers and securing the liberty of the [...]

Carlisle Indian Industrial School

Carlisle Indian Industrial School treated Indians poorly and too strictly claiming that it was the only chance for them to become real men and women."The reservation noncooperationists were vindicated nevertheless, and the middle-class intellectuals' strategy [...]

Facts About Domestic Violence

All aspects of the society - which starts from the smallest unit, that is the family, to the church and even to the government sectors are all keen on finding solutions on how to eliminate, [...]

Unravelling Canada’s Racial Issue

The United Nations had frowned upon Canada's racism issues because of the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination report that identified Canada's use of the term "visible minorities" in its Employment Equity Act as [...]

Code of Ethics and Guidelines

Attitudes are an important component when it comes to practice with gay men and lesbians, and still, attention should also be given to external social and economic factors that influence and shape the personality of [...]

Crime in High Schools

The statistics suggest that the present rate of school violence is, in fact, lower than the one estimated by the general studies.

Western North Carolina History

It has a number of the best document collections in the nation particularly that of the Southern Historical Collection in the University of North Carolina Library at Chapel Hill, the Flowers Collection of Southern historical [...]

Traditional Japanese Architecture

One of the major causes of the abovementioned twists has been the commencement of Buddhism in the country, which was greatly influenced by the socialism from China."Beasley believes that "by the eleventh century the Chinese [...]

Critical Illness Insurance

Critical Illness insurance is a pretty new form of insurance in Canada and pays you a benefit if you are stricken by a critical illness such as cancer or heart attack.

Budget in the American Government

For the purpose of this paper, we are going to examine the budget cycle and analysis of a public district school. In this step, the budget is made public for the citizen to view and [...]