Opinion Essay Examples

88 samples

An opinion essay is the most general essay type. By high school, you’ll have written dozens of them. However, many students are concerned if their approach to the assignment is correct.

An opinion essay presents your thoughts regarding a complicated topic. The statement should be explained and substantiated with facts and logical reasoning. But unlike a persuasive essay, you don’t have to convince the reader. Your arguments will speak for themselves.

Although opinion essay examples are subjective, you can still learn from their achievements and mistakes. Even when disagreeing with some of them, you can come to your own understanding of the problem.

88 Best Opinion Essay Examples

Hollyhock House/The Creative Community

Now the building is recognized a National Historic Landmark and considered to be one of the top houses in Los Angeles. I suppose that the transformation is possible due to the cultural and historical advance [...]

Curriculum and Instruction Revisited

While designing the curriculum, it should be ensured that the assessment, instruction, and curriculum collaborate to challenge the students. In this regard, the instructional content and strategies should be tied to the experiences that students [...]

Legal Gun Ownership in the US

This implies that an increase in the number of legally permitted guns would lead to a reduction in gun related violence and crimes due to the increase in the cost of committing such crimes.

Training is the Answer

The question an organization should ask before strategizing on training should be what the training will do to the trainees: not necessarily the content of the training kit, but the way that training will affect [...]

Ethics Between Law and Religion

Ethics in religion may be defined as acting according to the beliefs and practices of a given religion. However, ethics may be a source of punishment to the believers.

Doing the Right Thing

As the gap between the affluent and the poor continues, the social gap between the rich and the poor is likewise widening; hence, decreasing the elements of cohesiveness and civic virtue within our society.

Feminist Movement Tendencies

In essence, shunning and neglecting the capability of women in most sectors has resulted limited their ability to accomplish their potential. Indeed, it is outstanding to foster the participation of women in society.

Addressing the Downsizing in America

However, in 2007, the company was hit hard by the global financial crisis and one of the restructuring strategies adopted by the management was to outsource the sales department. Downsizing is the result of a [...]

Nixon’s Legacy, Reaganomics

The media was influenced by the aftermath of the Watergate scandal as it gained confidence and a more aggressive approach to investigating and unraveling of scandals in the government in an attempt to facilitate transparency [...]

Can Conscience Save Us?

The Earth Charter states that only the universal responsibility, membership in the human family, the need for global ethics as the elements of social consciousness may save people from overpopulation which becomes a real problem [...]

Sexual Harassment at the Workplace

The scenario being experienced at the workplace provides that members of staff are offended by the personal photos and calendars hung in the back of the kitchen that are sexual in nature.