7 Page Essay: Examples, Topics, & Word Count. Page 36

5,973 samples

Real Estate Housing Bubble

The rise in prices was mainly due to a robust growth in demand for housing along with scarce supple because of a shortage in availability of land, mostly in the urban areas, and possibly, fragile [...]

“The Course of Empire” by Thomas Cole

Each of the paintings surprises with its uniqueness and expressiveness, but the sense of the paintings is even more striking."The Course of the Empire" changes the ideas of American people about other nations and their [...]

Process Design for Riordan Manufacturing

These material requirements need to be incorporated in more than a single manufacturing stage and the entire process is rather tedious and requires a large amount of input data on manufacturing plans, the stocks of [...]

Child Poverty in Toronto, Ontario

However, despite the current economic downturn, the period from 1995 has been that of steady economic growth in Toronto; unfortunately, this has not seen a corresponding betterment of the welfare of the child in the [...]

“Water Strider” by Michael Heizer

Out of these ideas grew the concept of earthwork art, heavily influenced by the ancient past, strongly associated with the divorce between the academic art of the gallery and the natural art of the time [...]

Why Comedy Gets No Respect

The Golden Globe awards, on the other hand, divide the Best Motion Picture category into the sub-categories of drama and musical/comedy, and in that second category, many of the great comedies produced in the past [...]

Long-Term Investments in Business

Nissan scored better on the ecological friendliness and the new policies through the development of its new emission-free car but its financial prospects were to expect to reach optimal level in the next few years. [...]

Luchino Visconti: The Films and Politics

It is needless to say, of course, that Visconti's decision to relocate to Italy in 1939 did not come as a result of his patriotic feelings being awakened Visconti had simply decided to pursue the [...]

Action Research on Gang Prevention

The activities in this approach allow the community to assist the population that is already involved in gang activities and the population that is likely to be involved in the gang activities.

Women’s Role in World War II

The significance of this event is not only due to the destruction and the great number of people that were killed in the said conflict but also the numerous precedents that help changed the course [...]

The Rise of Virtuoso Artists in the 18th Century

While it is true that ornamentation played a very important role in the early baroque music performance and that it was instrumental to the early sociento style of music, there is no denying fact that [...]

Analysis of Rumi’s “Poem 14”

Therefore, during the course of working on this paper, we will refer to Rumi's Poem 14, and to his poetry in general, as to what it really is a poetic sublimation of Oriental soul's longing [...]

Public Relations Law in Australia

Defamation cases in Australia are said to be too expensive in terms of time, reputation and money. Defamation cases in Australia are said to be too expensive in terms of time, reputation and money.

Will Stimulus Package Work?

In response to this crisis, the federal government gave the go ahead for the use of an economic stimulus package that is expected to aid the economy in recovery. The estimated cost of this credit [...]

Language in R&B and Country Songs

Carrie Underwood sings country and her "Inside of Your Heaven" belongs to this genre."Deja vu" is written in colloquial language, while the lyrics of "Inside Your Heaven" can serve as an example of literary language; [...]

Presidency of Hugo Chavez

For instance, because the actions Chavez has undertaken antagonized the US and obstructed its foreign policy, during the Bush Administration, the Venezuelan government was considered a threat to the US in the Latin American region.