A synthesis essay aims to create insightful connections between relatively distinct sources that tackle the same problem. This method is widely used in the introductory part of a research paper to cover all the approaches without criticizing them. In a word, you shall choose the best ideas from the referenced texts to support your thesis statement.
The below synthesis essay examples are an excellent source of ideas for analysis and reflection. Besides, many of them contain a bibliography list. Thus, if your task matches some of the synthesis essay titles, you can use their references for your preliminary research.
Here, it is expected that the results of the three experimental studies will point out the major predisposing factors in the development of WBS particularly the gene deletions involving the 7q11.
This finding underlines the need to interrogate the issue of depression's ontology and epistemology. Hence, there is the need to have an elaborate and comprehensive policy for addressing teenage depression.
The article outlines the activities that managers can engage in to improve productivity in an organization. The article suggests that training is essential to all levels of employees.
The author is successful in relating the 1680 and 1696 revolts in Northern America against the Spanish to natives' dissatisfactions of the religions and economic systems of colonizers.
In this book, the author provides illustrations from companies emphasizing on the various new advertising techniques and strategies of persuasion employed to influence the perceptions of consumers.
Using a sample of 100 patients with compulsive mental disorder, the researchers found that metacognition scores were higher in people with obsessive disorders and good insight than in people with the disorder and poor insight.
Larry Hyman who is the author of the report on the universality of word accent is a linguistics professor at the University of California where he specializes in phonology.
"Justice: What's the Right Thing to Do?" is a book that discusses the theory of justice and the diverse ways in which it is perceived by different people in the society.
Mandela states that, as a leader, an individual should consider the outcomes of the circumstance and not the tactics to be used in addressing the issue.
The research questions that the study uses are relevant especially to the breast cancer patients as the questions seek to address the problems that they face.
The majority of nations in the United Kingdom and America are progressively making use of electronic medical records to assist in the improvement of the quality of health care.
That is why, the United States' reaction to surprise violent attacks connected with the Cold War issues or the problem of 11 September 2001 in the form of acts to improve national security strategies is [...]
The main objective of this move is to mitigate the problem of shortages of natural resources such as water, oil, animal-based resources, and coal among others, and promote healthy living and avoid extreme weather for [...]
The opponents of the requirement stated in the article that the requirement to have the average pay for the employees compared to the executive pay might not be one of the measures.
Unlike the previous regulations, the reviewed regulation of 2012 dictates that an applicant of the FTZ tariffs must specify business activities within the FTZ.
First wave feminists advocated for women to be granted the right to vote in the U.S. Their persistent pressure made the U.S.government to ratify the Nineteenth Amendment of 1920, which granted women the right to [...]
These documents also say that it is the responsibility of citizens of the United States to participate in a democratic election of leaders that are entrusted with leadership of this country.
Despite the importance of the hospitality industry to the Australian economy, the figure below shows that it posts the highest rate of employee turnover in the economy Figure One: Industry analysis of worker turnover in [...]
Through the study of Gimenez et al, it was seen that the correlation between the propaganda model and the power of the media can be summarized on the impact of irrational exuberance as a means [...]
This impact of the Spanish war is even clearer by consideration of the fact that the war had the implications of making women take up the jobs that originally belonged to men in the industries [...]
Every situation is individual and people and their actions are framed by the conditions and circumstances of their personal lives, as well as those of people in the close circle."The House on Mango Street" by [...]
Secondly, the domain contextual, denoted as "C", is used to recognize the workings of such features of music as association, repetition and categorization of a piece of music.
This is attributed to the fact that a person is made up of an intricate dynamical system. From the information present in the article, it is evident that perception never imitates reality.
Marcia Angell believes that the clinical trials performed in the countries of the Third World do not comply with international standards of care, and the wellbeing of patients can be imperiled.
According to Francine Prose, gluttony often disguises itself in different forms, like the need to get a little more, the desire to have something more delicious, or the temptation to have a snack between the [...]
Although aristocratic factionalism can be discussed as the influential factor for the development of the French civil wars, the religious division plays more significant role in prolonging the wars because of the focus on ideological [...]
The author observes that the electronic media, such as the internet, cell phones, and DVDs, determine the type of information that people listen to in the modern society.
This paper proves that although the black press started the push for Civil Rights in the south, the integration of the nation's press turned the tables on segregation."The Race Beat" outlines the progress of media [...]
The author presents his views about the arrest of Jerry Sandusky, the former football coach of Pennsylvania State University, on child sex abuse as well as the arrest of Gary Schultz and Tim Curley on [...]
The customer knows that he or she is getting a good product and the marketer is able to obviate the uncertainty discount Clemons According to Molesworth, Nixon & Scullion giving the example of a university [...]
Offering his own understanding of the role of cooperative export in the world economics and assessing its impact on the economical situation of a certain country, the author clarifies that the partnership between the members [...]
While the benefits of globalization to the economy cannot be overestimated, still statistics have proven that the world is at a worse state of inequality than it was prior to the emergence of the concept [...]
Therefore, one of the areas that are given a lot of attention in strategic human resource management is the management of the expectations and demands of employees in organizations. Of critical relevance in employee motivation [...]
In addition to utilising online services such as social media in gathering market information, emergence of 'big data' is another trend that presents organisations with an opportunity to maximise their level of profit.
At this point, it is vital to communicate the benefits of the new models and gain the support of workers. The main strength of this theory is that it shows how organization should modify their [...]
Khan, Hussain and Kwak argue that like a CPU in a PC, the MCU performs a critical function of coordinating the architecture of the wireless sensor node.
The book does not only focus on the movement of the geographical location of the organization's sites but also on the changes that occurred in the cultural and gender composition of the employees owing to [...]
The following is a literature review on how the assassination of Osama Bin Laden was an example of how intelligence can make a real contribution to the international justice and the 'rule of law'.
Although the idea of the management taking the lead in ensuring that an organisation achieves quality is critical, Deming seems to have overlooked the contribution of others within the organisation.
Within emotionally and spiritually intelligent culture the primary source of human energy and drive is based on emotional intelligence where most of work done by lecturers and students focuses on physical aspects.
This narcissist will have a fragile perception of the self in the helpless state, so they may feel compelled to do something to preserve the integrity of the self.
To explain the character of the relations between the man and God, it is necessary to answer the question of God's mysteries and the nature of the human person with references to Lonergan, Loewe, and [...]
Young people can be easily convinced in a particular issue, therefore, speaking about the choice of the means of communication and the way how it is used, the source of influence is to be checked.
According to Hanson and Harris, the nature of sexual offenders' transgressions and their rates of committing the sexual offence after their release have lead to the creation of new intervention plans and approaches in treating [...]
Specifically, he opines that the traditional recruitment practice is different from that of the online recruitment, in the sense that the traditional practice of recruitment is time consuming and very expensive to the organisation compared [...]
One of the major factors behind the collusive behaviour of firms in an oligopolistic market structure, according to the case study on the car industry in the UK, is price leadership.
This theory seems to indicate that any change in the product design that may have a significant impact on the customer and retailer's perception of a product is likely to expose the supply chain system [...]
Based on these findings, the study came to a conclusion that exposure to DDT and DDE during the prenatal period can to lead to delays in the development of infants.
Buttler states that the calculation of partial pressure of oxygen and other gases in the body can be done through the multiplication of the concentration of the gas in the air by the by the [...]
The author begins his narration by explaining the origins of the Populist Movements, which according to his research, was stirred by the Farmers' Alliance in the Midwest and southern region during the 1870s and 1880s.
Compared to Fero et al.'s key CT skills of autonomous interventions, clinical judgment, and analysis and interpretation of problems, Robert and Petersen identify risk estimation, and analysis and evaluation of diagnosis as the key aspects [...]
Specifically, the author has tried to quantity the cost of biosphere and solutions to the issue of environmental degradation. In addition, the author uses the term overharvesting to mean deforestation and wasting resources that all [...]
The aim of the latter is to determine if the court simply requests the parties to explicate the issues that they wrote in their briefs or they go past the issues outlined in the briefs [...]
The book expounds on the actions of the environmentalists who are not willing to compromise on their philosophy about the need to preserve the environment and the integrity of the ecology.
The studies have focused on the aspects of variations in the manner in which business practices are conducted in China compared to the factors of management in other regions in the world.
Early Childhood Development According to Mouw and Weyrick, the education in early years of a child is vital in the overall development of an individual.
This article explores the property rights of the Europeans in the aftermath of the Black Death. In this article, Zapotoczny focuses on the effects of the Black Death.
The major similarity between collective invention and heroic individual invention is that both provided important source of innovations during the early stages of industrialization.
The article's discussion notes that according to the study's results, 'BTPI is a valid tool in the prediction of premature termination from counseling'.
Unlike quantitative research where an investigator manipulates variables or recreates the natural setting in the lab, qualitative research aims at assessing behaviours in it's undisturbed from. It raises a series of sub questions that are [...]
According to the EU, the objective of a good customer protection approach includes the ability to empower the consumer through the creation of a transparent market which can supply the consumer with a wide spectrum [...]
The tasks have to be short and able to stimulate the curiosity and creativity of the children This strategy requires that the tasks offered are short enough to allow the children to complete them.
It predicts that, majority of employees will seem to be motivated if they suppose that the reward they expect to get is directly proportional to the work done, and if they value the rewards expected [...]
Companies that have realized the importance of geographical distinctions and the need to combine local strategies and initiative together with global strategies and initiatives have felt the benefits of regional strategies.
Strategic planning goes through a process from setting the mission, objectives, situation analysis, strategy creation, execution and finally control so as to achieve positive results and an effective plan of action."Strategic planning is inextricably interwoven [...]
For instance, an immigrant who acquires citizenship to the United States with a view to pursuing a career say, in medicine or law using the qualification that they had acquired in the country of origin, [...]
Geography is the study of the earth and the natural features that characterize it. The revolution was related in some way, to the methods in which the researchers studied the earth and the processes occurring [...]
The article is focused on the specific benchmarking techniques used for analysis of the companies. Benchmarking of the PR function in Serbian companies is the focus of discussion in this article.
The important elements under discussion for all the dance styles analyzed include, the progression, the uniqueness in steps and the relevance of the knowledge gained to the student.
In Europe, prevention of human trafficking is interpreted to mean both awareness raising and active prevention activities that ideally look into the primary causes of human trafficking.
Jean Piaget and Lev Vygotsky are one of the most influential scientists in the field of the developmental psychology. In the following paper, the theories of both scholars will be evaluated and compared from the [...]
This paper analyses the prevalence of chronic disease like diabetes and obesity in populations that eat junk foods as opposed to the healthy eating population. The studies of Binkley et al.reveal the link that exists [...]
In the end, the primary goal of the paper is to propose the suitable methodology and analysis of the information to find the relevant answer to the research question.
Gray gives the history of the literature of America, and he highlights the conflicts featured in this literature. Harry introduces the concerns of Poe's literature, and he shows that Poe deals with the conflicts in [...]
The book provides a detailed history of Chinese landscape painting. In addition, the book tries to provide interpretation of various Chinese landscape paintings.
The choice of the method seems justified as the research involves the collection of information in a free form; it focuses on the understanding, explanation, and interpretation of empirical data that is the source of [...]
The types of this agent that terrorists can use include 3-quinuclidinylbenzilate, Phencyclidine, and LSD In order to achieve the intended goal of use of chemical weapons, terrorists must ensure that they are effectively delivered or [...]