In particular, the author points out the changes that the globalization inflicted over the years that affected the global workforce, the professions towards which the modern employment seekers tend to gravitate, and the jobs that [...]
The main purpose of the book is in outlining Frankl's philosophy of Logotherapy, a process of finding meaning in human life.
A set of matrices is the base of the QFD structure, and the main matrix's purpose is to relate the requirements of a customer and the technical ones.
He entombs the corpse in the basement of his house, and when the police unexpectedly show up at his house, he inadvertently leads them to the corpse.
I agree that colonialism had nothing in common with individual relations, but rather it was the oppression of the African population and the territorial invasion by Europeans.
Many of the Africans, whom the white people had as slaves, were stolen from their families and were cruelly treated during the transportation.
Although the interviewing is not adequate when it's isolated and it cannot be applied as a principal method of research, interviews allow deriving some valuable information that is impossible to get through any other method.
The main idea of the work is to explain the theory of social choice and how it works with society. However, the author doubts that this theory is entirely unnecessary and populist in that the [...]
“The Family Instructions of Mr. Yan” is an ancient Chinese book that talks about early family life. The main significance of the book is that it acts as a source of wisdom for various Chinese dynasties.
The failure to distinguish men as primary group to commit violence also leads to the failure to specify the sites which are the most endangered by the group: family and the home.
It is probably done to encourage the audience to think about the superiority and grandeur of the Universe and show humanity the importance of a respectful attitude toward it.
The analysis of the politics of skilled labor in the 1830s in America provided by the author helps to explore the features of craft in that time and understand the specifics of the Industrial Revolution.
On the other hand, one is to keep in mind that the treaty of the Convention on Tobacco Control was created to regulate the tobacco industry's production."Malawi is considered to be an extreme, but not [...]
In regards to their structure, the questions do not follow the standard, which implies the mentioning of the object that is being assessed and the focus on measurable variables.
"The Family Instructions of Mr. The author of "The Family Instructions of Mr.
The book is relevant as it was only published a year ago, in May of 2021, and the authors believe that contemporary Turkey represents the perfect setting for investigating the question of their interest.
In contrast, Peter Jensen's and Edward Hallowell's Superparenting for ADD: An Innovative Approach to Raising Your Distracted Child provides invaluable insights on how to help ADD children, as they are often misunderstood, and parents should [...]
Tattooing of Inmates The first striking factor is the tattooing of a number on the left arm of the inmate and the demand that the prisoner uses this number as his name.
Her father was a rabbi, and he travelled to different parts of the world, with his family, in search of employment.
The author provides evidence and reasoning to support their main conclusion that human design could outsmart automated systems used in airline revenue management and lead to more efficient revenue management and higher profits.
The aim of Part One of the book, titled, 'Diagnosing the ills' is to spell out in four chapters the four main shortcomings of the United Nations.
However, the authors insist that it is the corporate control that is threatening the running out of water."Corporate control of the world's water resources and distribution systems is a threat to the well-being of humans [...]
Hilberg discusses the Holocaust from a perspective that focuses on the possible causes of the event and progression of occurrences that culminated in the annihilation of millions of Jews in Europe, with Germany as the [...]
Namely, the authors offer moving the attention from the techniques used and the learners' perception and capabilities to the cognitive processes of the teachers the mechanisms that are responsible for their reflection on the experiences, [...]
One of the problems of the governmental system is that it is centralized; this leads to an inability to closely detail the issues that are the concern of localities and communities.
A number of oil companies have been on the forefront in the rampant and in discriminate extraction of oil within the Amazon region of Ecuador.
The selected book details the story of Howard Schultz's return to Starbucks and the obstacles he had to deal with in an attempt to turn things around.
Delaney feels that the Homeless Candido was living in 'his' adored canyon."He made Topanga state park his, trashing the place and polluting the stream.
He is on his way out of the alley to see Billy, his rooster, because he did not hear him crow.
Making such an observation shows that Jem is wise and has the knowledge to understand the ideas of racism in the community.
In their book, the authors focus on the recruitment and retention of the African Americans. In addition, the theme of the book is brought out by the accounts of how black students and their families [...]
The author of this masterpiece wanted to illuminate the challenges faced by many African Americans in the Jim Crow South. The book indicates that the construct of Jim Crow brought numerous troubles to many Africans [...]
Gilmore's book attempts to describe gender relations under the Jim Crow system and the influence of black women on white supremacy in North Carolina in the 19th Century.
Although the government is unable to curb corruption and inequality in the society, it does not keenly solve the problem about Taiping movement but rather resorts to killing the supporters of the movement.
In this chapter, the author conducts a critical analysis of the unitary model of democracy. The author concurs that success of a democracy model depends on the extent to which members cultivate a platform for [...]
This tis due to the twenty-six words they used to describe the use of the internet under Section 230 of the Communications Act.
He focuses on aspects like the judicial behavior, the evolution of the court and its justices, the processes that lead to the court making crucial decisions as well as the decisions made by the court.
The book is 288 pages and contains information on the changes that have been witnessed in the global environment since the last glacial maxim of the Pleistocene.
Joseph Stiglitz's book Making Globalization Work is the representation of the author's opinion on the question of globalization in the context of the economic and political development of countries with determining globalization's main challenges and [...]
Mandela states that, as a leader, an individual should consider the outcomes of the circumstance and not the tactics to be used in addressing the issue.
This paper reviews the book The cellphone: the history and technology of the gadget that changed the world by Guy Klemens.
Benjamin Franklin was one of the Founding Fathers and participated in the drafting of the Declaration of Independence. Perhaps, the reason for Franklin's writing Remarks Concerning the Savages of North America was the author's concern [...]
The Federal Reserve System is the second link in the chain towards the creation of money as it involves the remit of currency by the treasury department to the Federal Reserve banks.
Therefore, the book Destructive Emotions: A Scientific Dialogue with the Dalai Lama is the result of a conversation between the scientific and religious approaches to thinking, both of which support a careful approach to self-evaluation.
Enright forgiveness model applied in the study proved effective since it systematically addressed the forgiveness process identified the negative attributes caused by the abuse, and prepared the women for positive responses.
In the current paper, the author analyzes the topics covered in the book and provides a summary of some of the sources of data used.
The author of the novel intended to show the contrast between the past of the relationships between the races and their modern status.
The rider explains to the author that it is necessary to learn the terrain and the unique qualities of the horse to maximize its use.
Shin seems to be frustrated with all his actions and beliefs, but he has nothing to do but stay with the other people, who are looking for some support and explanations and provide them with [...]
Wexler discusses the murder of Roger and Dorothy Malcolm and George and Mae Dorsey in detail, while paying much attention to the causes of the killings, to the racial component, and to the personalities of [...]
The author further demonstrates that an individual, who has already developed affliction, learns to develop the vital instinct, which survives all the attachments disfigured from the actual self and fastens itself to everything in the [...]
Roberts looks at how these policies have been used to control and take advantage of the bodies and labor of black women, leading to differences in health and income.
The main theme of the Things Fall Apart is the confrontation of the old and the new world, and the eternal struggle of traditions with innovations, in which there are no winners.
From this point, social responsibility can be observed with references to the corporations' sponsoring different social events and promoting the environmental initiatives, and the activities of Pfizer and BP corporations can become the examples of [...]
This statement brings out the picture of the journey that the corn takes from the time it is in the field to the time it gets into the fast-food stores in Iowa.
For example, he says the goal of Europe is to deliver good to the colonizers at the expense of the resources of the colonized class; Cesaire maintains that it only serves to decivilize the colonizers.
Twilight in the Desert: The Coming Saudi Oil Shock and the World Economy by Matthew R. Twilight in the Desert looks behind the curtain to reveal a Saudi oil and production industry that could soon [...]
The notable reputations of the Mondragon are that it is one of the largest worker cooperatives in Spain that has dominated domestic markets since the 1960s and international markets since 1990s. The first challenge that [...]
In the book, it is apparent that the technological and military disparities between the Europeans and the Guinean people and not the presumed genetic superiority of the Europeans help to enhance the survival of the [...]
In the first chapter of their book, Chan et al.write about the nature, purposes, and goals of the given phenomenon and discuss the major barriers to effective international cooperation and equal distribution of welfare.
Since the title involves the study of leadership concepts from a spiritual point of view, it is essential for the authors to not only convey their points of view but also to be able to [...]
Also, contemporary psychiatry embraces cross-cultural psychology, which recognizes the diversity in the growth and development of psychological notions influenced by cultural and ethnic backgrounds. Clinical neuropsychology integrates neuroscience and clinical psychology to understand biological factors [...]
By involving the interested stakeholders in the analysis of the contemporary job market and development of feasible strategies acknowledging the DFI factor, the project is expected to create a robust environment resistant to the potential [...]
It provides an overview of the current legal framework for collaborative governance in the United States at the federal, state, and local levels of government and identifies gaps.
The second section of the book gives an insight into the future of diplomacy and the effect of technology on international relations.
In the modern world, during the information age, as communication becomes more and more important for every aspect of individual lives as well as historical processes, there is a growing recognition of the need to [...]
SERVQUAL is widely used in the airline industry, where the quality of service plays a pivotal role in a company's success.
Al-Saidat's article of the phonological analysis of the English phonotactics among the Arabic English learners is a study that aimed at examining the phonotactic issues connected with learning the English language by the Arabic English [...]
The author responds to the latter issue by saying that the ultimate point of differentiated education is not to make learning easy and simple but to make it more flexible in order to meet the [...]
Another appealing idea expressed by Erickson in her book is the presentation of the state and national standards as some of the main resources that need to be used by educators as the sources of [...]
In addition, the author also expressed the idea about the importance of the literacy mapping a process that would help educational authorities to keep track of the consistency with which literacy is taught in schools, [...]
One of the most interesting ideas expressed by the author is the isolated existence of the concept of disability and its evolution throughout history that was unraveling alongside the presence of disability in the society.
The book "Everyday Antiracism: Getting Real About Race in School" by Mica Pollock was written for the purpose of presenting a very thorough and detailed discussion of the issues of race and the problems of [...]
In particular, the author provided some statistical data about the rates of homelessness in the country, the number of people living in the streets, and their demographics.
In order to optimize a system that includes this standard of grading, it would be necessary to assess the grades for homework and classwork separately.
In his book, Kozol presented the stories and events that were a part of his personal experiences and motivated him to focus on the research of the problems of institutional racism and the normalization of [...]
For example, many of the strategies outlined by the author are focused on student's application of self-assessment and self-reflection in order to drive better work.
The main theory of this book and Tschumi's entire career is the Architectural Paradox."The statement highlights the dialectic relationship between architectural theory and architectural practice, in much the same way as the central dialectic between [...]
In the book, Gladwell contends that thin-slicing is one of the most dazzling capabilities of the conscious, and at the same time, the major weakness of rapid cognition.
In his book A Whole New Mind, Daniel Pink focuses on a discussion of one of the major changes in the modern society that have occurred under the influence of such professes as industrialization and [...]
Richardson provides a number of ideas concerning the application of all of these resources for the purpose of creating the innovative and interactive teaching process and the kind of learning that is connected to the [...]
One of the ideas expressed in this book that I found interesting was the meaning of ubiquitous connectivity and the need for the integration of technologies in education.
Also, having created a book dedicated just to the creation of presentations at school, the author pointed out the importance of this skill, as well as its complex nature and a variety of components that [...]
In particular, Muharjee notes that many local communities reacted to the development of globalization by perceiving it as a threat to their authenticity and individuality; in other words, the author pointed out that globalization can [...]
Fullan points out that the connections with people are critical for a leader, and thus the latter is to motivate the workers in a positive way, connect the peers for the exchange and creation of [...]
In his book, Barry Schwartz, who is an American psychologist, comprehensively examined the psychological aspects of the problem of choice faced by people in different spheres of life, ranging from the choice of goods and [...]
It is critical for a teacher to be able to address the unwanted behaviors of the student and establish the desired order in the classroom in order to facilitate productive work and successful learning for [...]
The traditions and cultures of people that make up the populations of the United States and Canada are filled with unique experiences and events that have changed the norms of the past and present.
This research is the first to investigate the interceding role of autonomy together with future orientation in the connection between the quality of communication in a family and life happiness.
The book Good to Great by Jim Collins presents the alternative view on the determinants of the long-term success of the companies.
The choice of the book was based on its wide coverage and almost platinum status in the US as a platform for the expression of sexuality.
As in the case of the US, the migrant communities actively participate in the political, social, and economic activities in America and do the same in their homelands.
In addition, I will assess the book's strengths and weaknesses, with particular emphasis on the authors' research methodologies, sources, and the quality of the evidence given.
There is a variety of reasons for this, and the presented article titled "From Egalitarianism to Kleptocracy" describes how and why this is the current state of most governments.
Instead, it is a philosophy of life that manifests itself in the attitude towards things and the ability to interact with them. The key to a sustainable and conscious society is the rational use of [...]
According to the author, the proposed method can offer practical solutions to the nine problems. The book argues that the main disquiet of philosophy is to offer questions and respond to them.
The author describes the daily routine of the prisoners and analyzes how the difference in the mindset may affect a person's ability to endure the most difficult challenges.
In its turn, this particular requirement is predetermined by the fact that the activity in question is the subject to the rules of thermodynamics something that makes it possible to proceed with it in a [...]
The author in his book shares, the techniques, and the leadership skills he used to improve the efficiency of his ship and the members of his crew."It's Your Ship" is a book with twelve chapters [...]
In chapter eight, the author explains the need to keep the focus on the priorities. Chapter nine of Abrashoff's book talks about the need for the leader to instill confidence and strength in his followers.
Although she does point out that it is crucial to consider the company and the industry, they are not the only factors that will eventually influence your decision-making and its outcomes, it is the approach [...]
The first premise is the inevitable aging of the trucker workforce, which causes the overall shortage of drivers in logistics. It means that organizations have to handle delays in the delivery of goods due to [...]
The author proposes three courses for the future: the effects of environmental degradation, the advantages and drawbacks of utilizing modern technology, and service users becoming more politicized and knowledgeable.
The author emphasizes the humanity, passion, and strength of the African American citizen despite the challenges experienced by the race in the country.
The main aim of experiential learning is the variation of the content and forms of teaching and student activities to determine the effect of these factors on the rate of development and formation of specific [...]
Furthermore, in several countries in Europe and South America, the occupation of the lawyer has been compromised; the representatives of the law practice are no longer required to be a member of a bar or [...]
The fusion of pornography and the noir crime novel is tough to achieve without erasing the noir themes of guilt, loss of identity, or sinister reaction to internal needs or social injustice and replacing them [...]
Hence, in modern society, the phenomenon of the book world has become the writer Colleen Hoover, who has won the hearts of readers around the world with her works.
At the beginning of the book, the heroine is inspired by the bright dress she chose and was going to buy.
This work is a summary of the first five parts of "The Stand: Captain Trips," providing a description of the basics of the events of the plot.
The book's title refers to the community of poor children in the American society, thus, the connection between the title and the class is based on the necessity to discuss the problems of segregation in [...]
The novel's intended audience is young adults, which derives from the protagonist's age, the events and problems she has to face, and, most importantly, a lack of personal experience to deal with them at this [...]
The book is a powerful and moving exploration of the human condition and inspires the reader. Fire is a powerful symbol of the human spirit's capacity for resilience and hope in adversity.
This is an overwhelming resource in the field of ethics and seeks to resolve the controversy regarding different ethical and moral dilemmas on the human - earth relationship.
The paper summarizes the reasoning of the writer and goes a notch higher to analyze some of the themes in order to establish the relevance of the book to the modern political environment.
While the focus of the book was the Kapyong battle, a tiny collection of hills to the Northeastern part of Seoul, Bjarnason deemed it necessary to explain the circumstances that triggered Canada's involvement in the [...]
She describes the way students respond to improved scheme and the way teachers modify the cultural background of the language or English arts program.
In society, women are there to be seen and not to be heard; thus, he expects his wife to look good.
It is possible to state that the book provides rather a high-quality review of the issues about the identification, education, and upbringing of the 2e children.
The attempt by writers of the nonfiction but documentary literature genres to explore various global phenomena often responds to the claim of certain absolutism, that is, the recognition of the perfect truth of the picture [...]