15 Page Essay & Research Paper Examples. Page 3

989 samples

Knowledge Networks & Social Capital

Others are of the opinion that knowledge management is concerned with the creation of new knowledge, sharing of that knowledge, and the strategies that are used to enhance the acquisition and dissemination of knowledge.

Ijtihad in Islamic Banking

Even though Shariah principles forms the main legal foundation in which most of Islamic banking products and services are based, Ijtihad enables the flexibility of the Shariah principles to suit the changing needs of the [...]

Theory of Change

In the narrative therapy, the goal of a therapist is to externalize problems that clients face. As the objective of the solution-focused therapy is to assist clients to forget about their past and dwell on [...]

Data Warehouse

In a bid to get to that end, the data has to pass through data acquisition, which refers to retrieval of information from the data sources; that is, "a set of processes and programs that [...]

E & J Gallo Winery Strategy

However, the company believes that diversification of its product line is the key strategy to keep up revenues in this competitive winery industry; as a result, the company offers a wide variety of products in [...]

Financing Small Businesses

Considering the importance of finance in the success of a business entity and the significance of SMEs in the UAE's economic growth, it is fundamental to understand the issues and challenges faced by SMEs.

Organisational Change at HBSC

The size of an organisation correlates with its ability to employ a large number of people from diverse backgrounds, and hence the higher the number of employees that the HR arm has to handle.

Analysis of McDonald’s

For example, if the price of a McDonald's burger increases substantially to be different from the ordinary price of burgers in a particular country, then consumers will prefer to buy burgers from the competing brands [...]

Business in Practice – Coca Cola Company

According to Foster, the company's vision statement provides the framework for the company's leadership to pursue business processes that enable the company to achieve high quality growth by focusing on the people, planet, profit, portfolio, [...]

Ajyal Film Festival and Youth Empowerment

The DFI organizes the Ajyal Film Festival to present the film products of its most talented young actors and producers to the government and the business community, as well as the rest of the world.

Mobile Systems Uses and Impact on Business

The advancements in the service sector have therefore, occasioned the increased attention on the modern implementation of the mobile social constructs as a better ways for companies to develop and enhance the global marketing trends.

Green Energy Brand Strategy

The utility theory assumes that consumers are the ultimate decision-makers on the consumption of certain products, based on the perceptions of their available income resources and the perceived efficiency of the product.

Problem of Child Abuse

The most common form of child abuse in America and in most parts of the world is child abuse. The cost of child abuse is dire to both the children, healthcare organizations, parents, and the [...]

The Concept of Essence

The state of being is crucially determined by the principle of fundamentalism, which in turn leads to the essence of an object."The attributes, singly or collectively that make an object of a substance what it [...]

Students Language Skills Project

Due to the growing body of research on the issue of grammar proficiency and processes involved in grammar acquisition, the project is aimed at showing which approach to grammar improvement is the most viable, and [...]

Gulf Fertilizer Company Strategies

Vision and mission statements, core values, and goals should show the purpose of the firm in terms of the main business, principal values and aspirations. The company shall also concentrate on employees and management of [...]

Service Experience Diary

This report closely examines the Australian restaurant industry, the emerging trends affecting it, the major players in the industry and how their policies or strategies affect City Grill and the industry at large.

Telecom New Zealand’s Business Environment

Besides maintaining network performance and quality, the company should aware of the growth of and opportunities available in different sectors and Telecom should attempt for positioning to take advantage of those opportunities Alternative Strategy-2 The [...]

Look Out Lipton, Here Comes Oolong!

Furthermore, the market demand could further be driven by the presence of the recognized market dominant partners.b) Appears to be much aware of the health benefits that tea provides.b) Is greatly aware of the health [...]

Human Resource Management in China

In this respect therefore, the HR department has to come up with effective inductive measures that put in place the needs and requirements of all its employees to ensure that the set values, goals, and [...]

US-China Business Affiliation

For the US, the most difficult challenges in fostering the bilateral trade relationships with China arise due to the reason that the US bumps into the substantive bazaar accessibility issues in regions where its merchandise [...]

Company Analysis: Aviva Life Insurance Company

Directors and management of a company are interested in its efficiency to generate profits, the company's viability from the investor's point of view, the company's ability to generate sufficient returns to investors and gearing ratio [...]

EasyJet Airline Company Limited

In addition to the large industry players, the UK car rental industry has experienced a significant increment in the number of small entrants, which has led to an increment in the degree of industry competitiveness [...]

Sustainability in Modern Supply Chains

From this perspective, this paper deploys the concepts of supply chain and logistics management to discuss various ways in which supply chain can be sustained in the modern world of excess supply of commodities both [...]

The Business Plan: JAMA Company

Mission Statement The mission of the JAMA Company is to provide the high-quality services in relation to normal cleaning, outside polishing, and full polishing in order to satisfy the customers' needs with references to the [...]

Torture and Human Rights

However, the full state of affairs in Abu Ghraib prison came to the knowledge of the public when a report by the military into the first pictures leaked to an online magazine.

Struggle to Transform China 1949

Following the imperialist invasion and exploitation of the country in the early twentieth century, the nation was set on the verge of radical revolutions in all sectors.