30 Page Essay & Research Paper Examples

90 samples

What does a 30 page essay look like? Find the answer below!

30 page essays are 700 to 750 words long (double-spaced 12 pt). They contain 7 to 9 paragraphs. A paper of such a length is rarely an essay. You’ll more likely be assigned a 30 page research paper or term paper at the graduate level.

How long does it take to write a 30 page essay? Such a long piece should be properly planned. If you need to perform research and add references, you’ll need at least 30 hours. Trying to complete such a serious task in one day is not a good idea.

If you’re searching for 30 page paper examples, look at the collection below. Get inspired to write your own piece with the samples we’ve prepared!

30-page Essay Examples: 90 Samples

Modern Libya’s History

The effect of the war in Libya is greatly felt by the immigrants who are said to have migrated from different countries since 1970s after the discovery of oil and hydrocarbons reserves in the country.

Nike Business Code of Ethics

Given that employees of the organization are involved in the corporate business ethical programs of the organization, such programs therefore involves advising the employees of the organizations to be responsible on their behavior towards fellow [...]

Securities Markets in the UAE

Concerning the impediments to the growth of bond markets in the UAE, 78% of the participants stated that the UAE government over-relies on oil as a source of fiscal revenue.

Home Gardening Veggies Business Plan

It is to this growing concern that the home gardening veggies business came up with an idea of developing a vegetable and fruits home garden to help the town residents to purchase fresh and healthy [...]

Dubai vs. Boston Higher Education

The intent of this paper is to compare the higher education sectors of Boston and Dubai. In the last decade, Dubai's higher education sector has witnessed increased public and private investments that have not only [...]

Ottawa Region ICT Centres Project

At the outset, the report explores the financial progress of the various issues concerning the management of the project's resources. It also explores the management of the relationships that were formed in the implementation process [...]

Tourism Inventory for Kuwait

In other words, community tourism emphasized new dimensions of associations between the host entity or nation and the tourists regarding the different natural beauties, domestic assets and skills as well as the native version of [...]

Key Issues That Influence Police Behavior

The role of the police in the society is central when it comes to ensuring law and order. The policing task is the most prominent manifestation of the government and is easily recognizable by members [...]

Income State of Islamic Banks

The increased globalization lead to the need for studying the financial statement of the Islamic banks and especially the income statement of the Islamic banks which determine the profit to be shared by the investors.

3D Technology History in Cinema Industry

The interviews with famous film directors, officials of movie-producing companies and ordinary film fans, alongside the data obtained from the profound study of the great amount of literature on the topic and theoretical framework constituted [...]

Humanities and Justice Studies

The gradual downfall of the Mughal Empire during the 18th century had led to economic disintegration and the constant bouts of conflict amongst the Indian princes hastened economic disruption. An important characteristic of the village [...]