10 Page Essay: Examples, Topics, & Word Count. Page 12

4,600 samples

KTG Company Strategic Leadership

Other factors that were found to be detrimental to the operations of the company in the affected region included unclear policies, values and the business goals of KTG to members of staff and also lack [...]

Race, Class, and Gender: Rothenberg’s book

The article explores deeply into one of the dominant issues in America, which marked the beginning of appreciation of diverseness for Americans in terms of recognition of the contribution of every person irrespective of his [...]

The Mystery of Digital Currencies

An increase in the number of merchants that accept Bitcoins will increase the stability of the currency and it will reduce the impact of losses, and fluctuation in exchange rates. The second factor that influences [...]

The US Mexico Border Problem

Of greater essence in the paper is the discussion about the intelligence tactics that are used to solve the issue of illegal migration in the border between the United States and Mexico; that is, the [...]

Operations Strategy at Galanz

The operational strategy of Galanz was successful because the company was able to meet the market demand that was increasing as the company's growth continued.

Procurement to Build New Auditorium

Documentation of the relevant issues pertaining to the project will be undertaken by competent procurement managers to plan and organise all the materials and resources required for completion of the project.

The Coca-Cola Company’s Marketing Strategy

The Coca-Cola Company is the leading beverage company in the world, and it faces stiff competition from both emerging and established business organisations specialising in beverages. One of the weaknesses of the Coca-Cola Company is [...]

Business Plan – Fitness Center

The aim of this business is to curb the burgeoning problem of a sedentary lifestyle in Saudi Arabia. Close to 30% of the population fall within the criteria, the fitness center is interested in.

Canadian Identity

These factors together with the conquest of the British and their settlement in the modern France during the 18th century resulted immensely in the development of Canadian identity.


The aim of this project is to reduce cost, enhance accountability on talent management, and define the role of HRM in supporting strategic business objectives.

Human Dignity and Bioethics

The current paper is a critical analysis of the controversy surrounding the issue of human dignity and bioethics. On the contrary, it is the ability of the individual and the society in general to set [...]

Security Policy for Kruger Exporters

The first section discusses the introductory aspect of the information security policy while the second section presents the information security policy criterion which outlines how the company will go about guarantee the security of its [...]

Children and Adolescent Suicide Behavior

Therefore, CBT as a methodology of helping in diagnosis, assessment, and treatment of suicidal behavior problems among adolescents is useful in social work to the extent that it can lead to the elimination of the [...]

Managing Environmental Sustainability

With reference to the above purpose, the scope of the report will be around the stakeholders as well as the reasons behind managerial consideration of stakeholders' views, the monetary and non monetary incentives for going [...]

Labor Turnover in Hotels

The employees in hotels and other firms in the hospitality industry are able to move from one organization to the other more quickly due to the many operating hotels.

Google Corporation in Japan

This paper pays a close attention to its Japan operations by exploring its current activities in the country, the challenges it faces in this market, and possible strategies for improving its performance in the Asian [...]

Training and Development of H&M

Subsequently, it is imperative for H&M's Board of Directors to understand the view that the capacity of the firm to achieve its desired competitive advantage will be subject to the quality of its workforce with [...]

Tsingtao Beer Entry to the Thai Market

The second objective of the project is to make preliminary business plans for the operations of the brewery. The third aspect of this project is that the board enlisted the help of the Internal Audit [...]

Leadership Styles in Organisations

The approach enables leaders to be flexible in their leadership and as a result, they are able to treat each situation differently which leads to enhanced success of activities undertaken by employees.