4 Page Essay: Examples, Topics, & Word Count. Page 100

18,783 samples

“Rain Man” by Barry Levinson

Documentaries are a strong form of this type of employment, but a more entertaining genre is that of the 'historical fiction' in which some element of the story contains an element of truth.

The Life of Sholom Aleichem

The last chapter of Sholom Aleichem's 'Teveye the Milkman' that is one of the stories in "The Old Country" is called Lekh-Lekho "Get Thee Out" and in this, he describes the expulsion of the Jews [...]

“Red Sorghum” by Mo Yan

The present paper is intended to discuss and compare the ideas of women's position in Republican China as illustrated in the novel "Red Sorghum" by Mo Yan and the corresponding gender attitudes in the traditional [...]

Facing Racism: A Short Story

After the birth of their first child, a daughter, they knew that they wanted to and needed to escape from China if they wanted to escape the One Child Policy and have the happy family [...]

The Theory and Praxis of PR

Befitting the broad communicative services scope of Chime, itself a listed and full-service marketing communications spin-off of Lowe Howard Spink and Bell that engages in public relations, above-the-line advertising, digital production and communications, marketing, consumer [...]

Mining as a Employment Opportunities

Here, the discussion would be for and against the mining practice in general The coal mining practice in the Appalachian Mountains has always been under a scanner and a battle has been on for several [...]

Photo Art: Photographic Exhibition

This is the photo produced by Samantha Everton in 2009 as a part of her Vintage Dolls series: The photo is installed in a frame during the exhibition to ensure the considerable attention the viewers [...]

Christianity in South Korea

After the Korean War which took place between the year 1950 and 1953 a large number of the Korean Christians moved to the North but they later on fled to the South and by 1960 [...]

The Business Cycle in the USA

One of such approaches is the Real Business Cycle Theory, which is regarded as the macroeconomic model in which all the fluctuations in the numbers may be accounted in accordance with the real shocks.

Anne Henderson: Motivation or Abdication?

Therefore, the manager must examine the individual's perceptions and needs in order to offer a prediction of behavior. In terms of Maslow's hierarchy of needs, Anne Henderson will not be able to satisfy the need [...]

Raising the Legal Driving Age

A large number of teenagers agree with the fact that the number of increasing accidents involving teenagers is largely because of the submission to adolescent influences on the part of the teenagers.

Monster in British Literature

It is not by a mere accident that the word "strange" is being prominently incorporated into the name of Stevenson's novel Victorian mentality perceived the notion of "strangeness" as the synonym to the notion of [...]