9 Page Essay: Examples, Topics, & Word Count. Page 6

2,810 samples

Currency Devaluation and Appreciation

Currency devaluation means a reduction in currency value and currency valuation is the increase in the value of a currency. In such a situation, the producing country is likely to be paid in a weak [...]


Most of the activities in the month involved setting up the business. It should be noted that under the expenses, the portion of research was the largest registering 300 of the 390.

Collision Martial Art School

The owner of Collision Martial arts school, Cinthia Flores, has a fifth degree black belt in judo, and will be available to offer her invaluable knowledge to the school.

Evolution of Planning and Design

It has been argued that, 'While Environmental Planning emerged as a profession in the 1970s, the environmental planning movement was evident sometime before this.' The main purpose of this paper is to explore the origins [...]

Change Management in the Emirates Airlines

From past statistical evidence and levels of achievement, the Emirates has continued to demonstrate great care for its employees and involved stakeholders for their role in the growth of the company with emphasis on immediate [...]

ERP System

To have an ideal ERP system, the system should have an ERP structure which is made up of integrated central database repository in a fused environment One reason why I would recommend my company to [...]

UK Corporate Governance Code

The FRC was to provide regulations that govern the behavior of the leadership in the banking sector. To ensure the success of the organization The FRC main objective as stated is "to facilitate effective, entrepreneurial, [...]


The problem of management of the Coca-Cola Company in China is just one of the examples of the problems that are faced with in the management of subsidiary firms of multinational corporations.

Political Development in Ghana

The authors of the new constitution dispensation were opposed to the strict separation of powers between the executive and the legislature, hence allowed for the provision of the president appointing some ministers from the legislative [...]

Bonus Banking: Case of UBS

On the other hand, it would be expected that when an organization underperforms, the employee will similarly be affected and hence their bonus reduced However the recent events, prior and during the global financial crisis, [...]

Yayi jia: Ritual Wine Vessel

In fact, it can even be said that the Yayi jia is nothing more than an older and smaller version of its counterparts seen in a variety of ancient Chinese tombs and temples.

Leadership: Alan Keith

To begin with, he is a pioneering character in the organisation in the sense that he often has the guts to explore the untapped opportunities.

Porter’s generic strategies

In the hospitality industry, most firms choose to pursue a differentiation focus strategy rather than a cost focus strategy because it is difficult to meet the needs of a certain market segment without some form [...]

Mandarin Chinese

Teacher's Evaluation of Student Performance Assessment is an inherent component of a learning process and teacher's task here is to be consistent in marketing students' achievement pursuant to the material as well as approaches to [...]

AIG Bank Marketing Strategies

The ratios provide the required guidelines of measuring the progress within any institution and at the same time alert the management on the problems which might occur within different segments of the institution.

Business Communication

The actual problem into the issue is based on the inefficiency and the inability of the administration to establish a concrete communication mechanism leading to communication breach between Junior who is the company's executive and [...]

Human Rights and Social Transformation

Skeptics challenges the origin, contribution of globalization to the advancement of human rights, tension posed on security due to strict adherence to codes of human rights, human rights contribution to universality evaluated in relation to [...]

Cognitive Ergonomics

To do so, a brief description of the product will be made in the first part of this paper, and secondly, ergonomic principles will be applied to the product to constitute the second part of [...]

Leadership and Education Change

The change of culture must be initiated by the leadership of the institution because by beginning from the top, there are better chances of success than when the change begins from the subordinate staff.

The independent learning method

In this definition, Cobb seems to combine all the above definitions since he mentions both acquisition of knowledge and the impact of this in making students more informed and concerning the changing of their lifestyles [...]

Carbon Footprint and Renewable Energy

The consumption of fossil fuels by the energy infrastructure is one of the greatest sources of greenhouse gases which are responsible for recent global warming and climate change concern. This is the increase in the [...]

SNOG Shops in the UK Market

As Gilbert notes in his study examining the pilot-in-the plane principle the success of a business is directly tied to the course that an entrepreneur chooses to take, this can come in a variety of [...]

Elements of SMART goals

It also clearly states the market that the company is targeting and is measureable as it defines the metrics that will be used to determine the effectiveness of the goal i.e.to achieve a 15% market [...]

School Leadership

The multi-levelled pedagogic school leaders highly determine the mode of teaching students in schools and the effective application of the learning process.

Leadership and Managing Change

The management on the other hand works out the processes required to accomplish the vision, ensuring in the process of pursuing the identified vision that the organization has the right balance of risks and rewards.

Type of Performance Appraisals

It is, however, difficult to give consistent, positive and negative information on an employee despite the gain of the insights of the perceptions of the employee. Self-assessment helps managers to view performance in their own [...]

Islam and Politics: Modernity Challenges

Another point of focus is on the political movements' engagements and collective actions as feminists as well as other pro-women organizations that delve on gender, equality and women representation in political fields In formal politics, [...]

Entry Mode Report for Sage Products Inc.

However, for this strategy to work, it was recommended that Sage Products will need: to do a thorough research of the market forces in the Australian medical devices market, to establish several retail outlets in [...]

Strategic and Operational Planning

Steve Ballmer, the CEO oversees all business operations of the company, while Bill Gates the more outspoken of the founders of the corporation, is the chairperson and the chief software architect.

Mary Douglas in Anthropology

In her interpretation of purity and danger, she discusses the book of Leviticus and its prescriptions of good and evil and the relation between these native prescriptions and the modern civilized interpretation of the concept [...]

Personal Leadership Charter

Leadership involves the changing of attitudes, believes and the direction of people in a managerial context. The other belief of leadership is that holistic collaboration in leadership requires the understanding of the participants and respecting [...]

Organizational Conflict

In the time of transitions, various organizations are faced with problems which stress the progress of the organization and if the conflict is managed well it may result in the growth of the organization.

Management Consulting

The aim of the topic is to understand the management consultancy processes through the application of the consulting process model. In general, the complete process includes identifying the problems, proposing solutions to the problem and [...]

Tony Takitani

The dialogue between the protagonist and other people casted in the film serves to expose the nature of the character. The right to left camera movement gives the audience a clear picture of his house [...]

Global Poverty and Education

This paper will discuss the criticisms of the development theories, the historical context of development efforts, the role of international and non-governmental organizations in multilateral education and solutions offered by contemporary scholars to enhance the [...]

Lean and agile operations

As well, agile operations tend to take the concept of lean operations, and therefore, some of the challenges that are associated with lean management are common in agile operations.

Strategic Management of the BMW

The management of the company understood the fact that the global market would develop and that it was necessary for the company to be innovative and develop strategic policies to remain viable in the market.

Group Project of Wineries Companies

The organization runs a website that it uses to advertise all its brands for customers to learn about them.in addition, they advertise all services that they give to customers through the internet making their products [...]

Gang violence in Brazil: Favelas Case

This makes the Favelas' residents vulnerable both to the forces and to the drug dealers. In conclusion, gang violence has been a serious threat to the security of Favelas residents and the country as whole.

Pepsi Company

The complex nature of the supply chain makes it more difficult for companies to answer basic questions involving the nature of goods to be purchased, the means of transport, facilities to be involved in processing [...]