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Micro-Influencers in Marketing

In addition, micro-influencers are more persuasive due to a higher perception of the authenticity of the promoted brand due to the perception of authenticity of the influencer.

Humidex Index Calculation

It is an equivalent scale used by the general public to express the effects of warm temperatures and humidity [3]. It is also used to alert people of the dangers associated with high temperatures and [...]

Organization Behavior

This paper presents an overview of RBS CITIZENS that comprises of the relevant history of the business, the mission of the RBS CITIZENS and the stakeholders of the organization.

Kentucky Fried Chicken

Some of the factors which have contributed towards the firm's efficiency include its competence in delivering unique experience, offering the right chicken and ease of access of its products in the market.

The Economy of Singapore in 2010-2012

The purpose of this report is to analyze the economy of Singapore and it will concentrate on the historical background of this country, human development index, monetary authority of Singapore, banking sector and major players, [...]

Volvo’s Underperformance in China

After the introduction of Volvo into the Chinese market, problems arose that impeded the company's stable development in the country. The theory of managerial capacity has been instrumental in understanding Volvo's shortcomings in its expansion [...]

The Great Lakes Company

On the other hand, it has forced the company to commit itself to a lot of environmental responsibilities. This is because most of them have not made a transition from the use of leaded gasoline [...]

NIBCO’s Team Playing Environment

Though the implementation of the big bang would result in increased consultation expenses, it was viewed as to last only in the short run, while the long-run effect would be a reduction in the overall [...]

Management Process Improvement

Describe the difference between a system and a process A system in management refers to a complete set of controlling, measuring and monitoring processes that an organization has and which play a role of ensuring [...]

Lab Report: Gas Properties Studying

The purpose of the present laboratory work was to determine the nature of the relationships between the various variables describing the state of a gas using the ideal gas equation.

Managing Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar spectrum, that is, the range of this disorder lies within three broad categories: bipolar II, cyclothymia, and bipolar I.this spectrum depends mainly on nature and asperity of the mood episodes that one goes through.

Whistle-Blowing and Ethics: Facebook’s Data Selling

During investigations regarding the organization's collaboration with the ill-branded Cambridge Analytica, Zuckerberg provides rehearsed responses to the American legislators investigating the matter. However, the motive behind Wylie's confession is not clear, leading to significant doubts [...]

ConocoPhillips External Environment

These include the global prices of resources marketed by ConocoPhilips, the number and capacity of skilled labor available for the operations of the company, and any other opportunity available to increase the efficiency of its [...]

Sustainable Agriculture: Challenges and Solutions

This report's objective is to demonstrate the significance of sustainability and corporate social responsibility by first identifying the organization's core practices that are not sustainable and then implementing practices that are healthy and sustainable.

Luxury Travel Services Marketing Plan

The marketing plan will begin with a situation analysis that will focus on the macro-environmental factors that are likely to affect the demand for luxury travel services in Dubai. In sum, the company's brand dream [...]

Tesco Company’s Comprehensive Analysis

The Competitive Environment Industry Analysis Macro Environmental Analysis The significant macro trends in for the past five or more years along with the telecommunication industry, and the much felt recession in the economy, not only [...]

Challenges in the New Product Development

One of the ways through which the product development manager can achieve this is by ensuring participation of the various functional teams in the formulation of policies, procedures and the practices to be adopted in [...]

The Clowning Around Company

Advertising The Clowning Around business intends to use advertising as one of the promotion tools to create awareness, inform, and persuade the target audience to purchase its products.

Coca-Cola Company

This will enhance the company's productivity, profitability, and expansion to other parts of the world. The problem of distribution faced by the Coca-Cola Company is majorly due to slow growth.

Market Penetration Strategy

Increase our penetration to the market by intensifying the organisations efforts to more of the market Market penetration strategy refers to the firm intensifying its efforts to capture a larger share of the market by [...]

Contemporary Issues in Corporations

Closely related to social responsibility is the concept of social responsiveness, which simply means the ability of a corporation to relate its operations and policies to the social environment in ways that are mutually beneficial [...]

The History of the Romanticism Period

Romanticism refers to the period of intellectual, artistic and literary movement in Europe in the first half of nineteenth century. The supporters of the Romantic Movement point to the spontaneous and irrational display of powerful [...]

On a Live Multi-Media Business Case

Some of the materials shown here below; The second thing after preparing the materials for work in the process of making the fireplaces is setting up the mould for the different kinds of fireplaces required [...]

Thomas the Train Engine

Increasing Appeal of "Thomas" to 1 - 5 year Olds One way to increase the appeal of "Thomas" to the 1 - 5 year old age set is to develop games that center around the [...]

Contemporary People Management: Apple Inc.

In order to facilitate this, the organization has to respond effectively to all the changes that happen in the internal environment, as well as the external environment. The performance of the employees has a direct [...]