Proposal Essay Examples. Page 3

465 samples

Business Plan: Repairing Old Things

The offered business idea is the possibility to provide people with an opportunity to save money, learn how to create something with their own hands, and use the products that are necessary and convenient.

Animal Usage for Sports and Entertainment

Sources reviewed to support the proposition that killer whales should not be used for entertainment and sports. However, I need to do additional research from sources that support the use of killer whales for sports [...]

The Katarist Mobile Application

It is anticipated that if this application is successfully implemented and distributed to the general population of Qatar, a significant amount of interest will be developed and, as a result, this will promote Qatar's cultural [...]

Canada’s Communications Policy

Thesis topic: The Canadian communication policy and the importance and implications of the convergence of telecommunications and broadcasting fields. Statement of the problem: Over the years, telecommunications and broadcasting fields are swiftly budding and assembling [...]

Shang and Zhou Dynasties

Bronze Age in the development of human culture follows the Neolithic Age, the period of time when humans were using tools made of stone for hunting, as weapons and as appliances for the household.

Crime in Chicago: Witnesses Go Silent

Once the court date is near, the witness will be brought to the basement garage of the apartment building and from there they will be transported via a car to the courthouse in order to [...]

Holiday Celebrations of the First Natives in Canada

Finally, the research will find out the core objectives of the festivals and their significance to the Haida people. The gist of the article is in describing the organization of the celebrations and the caliber [...]
  • Subjects: History
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 591

Concentrating Solar Power

From the point of no greenhouse emissions and the possibility of producing cheap electricity, CSP is not only environmentally friendly by protecting the global climate, but also economically sustainable.

Gilliland-Moore Wines. Legal Advice

Some of the legal and ethical issues that Gilliland-Moore wines must observe include the following: Age Discrimination- the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 forbids biasness against applicants of 40 years of old or [...]

Kuwait’ and France’ Sculpture Comparison

Moreover, the main objective of this research is to consider the historical development of sculpture in France and the availability of the art schools in the country in comparison with relatively young development of sculpture [...]

How Can Innovations Sustain Brands?

The objectives of the paper include analysing the relevant academic literature exploring the issue, summarising the results of valid studies investigating the topic, identifying the gaps in the literature, and making appropriate conclusions relevant to [...]

New Venture Business Plan

The peculiar feature of the chosen concept is to prove that bakery is not just the sphere for people to work in. The idea to create a bakery shop with a number of services offered [...]

Taiwan Taxi System: Cloud Computing

Research Question: Efficacy of Cloud Computing for Organisation and Security of Business Processes In what way can cloud computing assist the Taiwan Taxi Company in improving the quality of its services and the efficacy of [...]