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Perceptions of Parties in Conflict

Individual perceptions can only be addressed during conflict management by listening to the concerns and issues raised by conflicting parties. Individual perceptions can be addressed during the conflict management process by actively listening to involved [...]

The “Spiral Jetty” Work by Robert Smithson

Since the main element in land art is the artist's intervention in the natural environment, the projects reflect the diversity and uniqueness of nature, climate variability, environmental issues, and the essence of the impermanence of [...]

Aspects of the Posttraumatic Stress Disorder

They include direct or indirect exposure to stressors, intrusion symptoms, the persistent avoidance of trauma-related stressors, negative alterations in mood and the development of mental health comorbidities, aggression, and self-destructive behavior, the duration for not [...]

Health Promotion for Smokers

The purpose of this paper is to show the negative health complications that stem from tobacco use, more specifically coronary heart disease, and how the health belief model can help healthcare professionals emphasize the importance [...]

The Dental Clinic “DentalCare”

Moreover, the clinic adheres to the principle of individualism, respectively, all the means dentists select individually, according to the characteristics of the patient's body, the degree of pain, and the duration of the procedure.

The Amplification of DNA Samples

The isothermal amplification of nucleic acids represents a simplified process that allows for the quick and efficient accumulation of nucleic acid sequences in an environment of constant temperatures.

Trade With Cuba: Benefits and Drawbacks

Also, since Russia supports the system of governance adopted by Cuba, the friendship between the two countries, Russia and Cuba, improved, a factor that crippled the relationship between Cuba and the United States.

IKEA’s Planning and Objectives

Moreover, the Planning and Controlling function is responsible for creating and implementing strategies that are designed to help IKEA meet its goals. IKEA uses a combination of strategic planning and MBO to ensure that the [...]

Tokyo as a Catalyst for Chemistry

With more places gaining more popularity and attraction, the desire to monetize such activities will occur, which is beneficial to the local economy. The first stage in making Japan more appealing is to develop social [...]

Accounting: Double-Entry Bookkeeping Method

In addition, accounting has become an integral part of almost any business, and therefore the widespread use of such methods leaves open the question of optimization and creation of a better approach, given the capabilities [...]

Asthma and Stepwise Management

The stepwise approach to asthma treatment and management is a six-step approach, according to which the number and the dose of medications and frequency of management are increased as necessary when symptoms persist and then [...]

Market Failure: A Critical Analysis

A strand of economic literature demonstrates that in many situations government intervention in a free-market economy materializes from the failure of the private sector to streamline the markets, and from government urge to protect investors [...]

Buddhism and Christianity

The privileged persons of society such as presidents and the rich have similar chances in comparison to the destitute persons. Contrary to this, Christians appreciate the existence of God and acknowledge Him as their path [...]

Performance Management Program

A good performance management system is purposely for the elevation of employees' performance and in effect, improves on business productivity hence the management should endeavor to find a good system that delivers the object of [...]

“David” by Donatello

This sculpture is based on the story of David and Goliath as it appears in the bible. The first "David" sculpture was commissioned in the beginning of the 1400s by a cathedral in Florence.