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Senior Citizens as a Consumer Group

Furthermore, the interview with the senior citizen was conducted to identify the real values of the group and determine whether the research findings are consistent with the responses acquired during the interview.

Innate Syntax Theory by Noam Chomsky

This, of course, accentuates the phenomenological overtones of the notion of syntax, as such that cannot be discussed outside of what happened to be the particulars of the affiliated person's amental wiring'.

Credit Cards: Supporting Arguments

In order to reap the many benefits of credit cards and avoid the devastating implications of credit mismanagement, it is necessary for one to be ready to exercise some of the basic values such as [...]

Energy in Physics and Natural Sciences

The year 1829 marks the time when Gaspard Coriolis came up with the definition of 'kinetic energy' the development that was followed by the introduction of the term 'potential energy' by William Rankine in 1835. [...]

Rumspringa, the Amish Rite of Passage

Despite the fact that this rite of passage presupposes that the teenagers are allowed to experience the outside world and do everything that is otherwise considered inappropriate or downright immoral in their community, it is [...]