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Europe and Orientalism by Edward Said

In his arguments, Edward Said claims that the Europeans categorized the world into two divisions; the Occidents and the Orientals, in other words, they were referring to a world of the civilized and the primitive.

Qualitative Data Collection Methods

Observation is quite similar to the method mentioned above as the researcher is not involved in the process. Nonetheless, this strategy can help the researcher to address the research goals and elicit participants' ideas on [...]

Racism Elimination and Sociological Strategies

The analysis of sociological theory exploring racism and sociological strategies for combating it helps to understand that sociology plays an important role in reducing the manifestations of racism in communities across the globe.

Jonathan Tirado’s Percussion Performance

Jonathan Tirado, a talented percussionist, and arranger from the San Antonio Marching Percussion Ensemble and a professor at the University of Texas are presenting the saturated and vivid musical performance.