1500 Words Essay Examples & Research Topic Ideas. Page 9

1,007 samples

Explorations of Iconography

This, of course, was meant to emphasize the fact that Venus's godliness is being reflective of her physiological constitution of a woman, capable of breastfeeding.

Swiss Chocolate Brands and Types

The existence of varieties of chocolate results from the fact that many chocolate manufacturers use different ratios of chocolate ingredients. For the case of the Swiss chocolate, its ingredients include a considerable amount of milk.

Experimentation on Animals

However, critics of experimenting with animals argue that animals are subjected to a lot of pain and suffering in the course of coming up with scientific breakthroughs which in the long run may prove futile.

Reducing Gun Violence in Atlanta, Georgia

The initiative chosen for the evaluation of the effectiveness of the approach is the Cease Fire operation. Besides, the popularity of the enterprise coupled with the weakness of the original research aimed at its evaluation [...]