Free Report Examples. Page 28

15,455 samples

Tsunami: Crisis Management

The saving of lives during a disaster and emergency incident will depend on the proper coordination of the rescue team, delivery of the right skills to the scene which can only be achieved through the [...]

Leadership: Types and Styles

The purpose of this report is to examine present leadership approach or organizational behaviour aspects of the organizations, for instance, this report will consider leadership related issues and problem management process of Apple Inc, Ryanair, [...]

Radiation Protection Principles

According to the book by Pringle, radioactive substances are not only emitted by the power plants but also by the fossils in the process of decaying as well as during the process of combustion.

The Review of xDSL Technologies

The transceivers usually installed at telephone exchanges or central offices must be able to separate the voice and data traffic, the voice traffic is usually sent over the PSTNs while the data traffic may be [...]

Academic Tenure and Its Abolishing

The tenure is also aligned to the real mission of the particular institution that has been offered the tenure. The tenure system ignores the aspect of competency in giving faculty members the right to the [...]

Procter & Gamble Company

This is achieved by evaluating the challenges that the firm faces and the strategies that the management team should integrate in order to enhance the firm's competitiveness and future success.

Apple Case Study

It moved from 200,000 songs to 500,000 a day and iPod was the only music player in the market that could play iTune music Social Apple has the network of cooperative suppliers & the base [...]

The Implications of the Fair Work Act 2009

This paper explores the factors influencing the implications of the Fair Work Act and to do so this paper has scrutinised the overview of fair work act 2009, view of the minister, view of the [...]

Grameen Bank’s Concertive Control Systems

In this paper, I examine the empowering and controlling aspects of Grameen's development organizing, focusing on its management style options. The structured analysis of development organizing with Grameen bank is as follows: Concepts of concertive [...]

Social Research Conduction

A theory is a statement on the possible reasons behind the phenomenon, the laws of nature governing the behavior. Operationalization on the other hand is the process that sets down exact definitions of variables by [...]

The US Debit Card Industry

With the increase in the level of convenience, the number of households holding debit cards has increased substantially since 1998 as shown by the chart below: The level of income determines the volume of transactions [...]

Crime Rates in UK: Quantitative Methods

The purposes of the report are thus to analyze the statistical data by the UK Home Office, to compare rates dynamics regarding various crime types, and make respective conclusions that would help in either confirming [...]

Marine Life in United Arab Emirates

This report analyses the marine life in the UAE, covering detailed information about the various species of animals found in the region and their adaptation to the unique environment.

Overview of Guess Inc.

The reason why I choose the company is after considering the success it is having in the fiance competitive apparels industry; the company has been in operation over three generations and still keeps innovating relevant [...]

Hyperinlfation in Zimbabwe

It has caused a lot of confusion and inconvenience because it distorts the currency of the country there is a large movement of people to South Africa from Zimbabwe and it has eroded the real [...]

The German Car Industry: Marketing Plan

Another factor is the structure of distribution of the area where the car is going to be sold therefore the management will start by analyzing the market environment then choosing to go into the market, [...]

The Le Petit Firm: Plan of Action

For example, if the study as in this case is about customer needs and perception with regard to a bar and restaurant business, it is possible to ask people from the population about this.

Fuji Film Company Analysis

In a liberalized market economy, competition is the order of the day; products and services are almost the same. The use of information technology will ensure that there is efficiency in the production line by [...]

Extending Thought in Young Children

This project was carried out to illustrate the importance of family participation in the proper upbringing of children as well as the importance of team work between child minders and children in an effort to [...]

Market Entry Strategy Project

In addition, Kenya shares borders with the Indian Ocean to the southeast at the equator, Uganda to the west, Tanzania to the south, Somalia to the northeast, Sudan to the northwest, Ethiopia to the north, [...]

British Petroleum Industry

The economies of scale in the petroleum industry are very high because of the capital intensive nature of the industry's operations which make it difficult for any oil producing company to enter the industry.

Emirates Identity Authority Strategy

Organizations use the Porter's framework to determine the attractiveness of a market based on five forces, which include "the threat of new entrants and substitutes, the power of buyers and suppliers, and the rivalry in [...]