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Criminology as a Social Science

In addition, as McClanahan and South note, the study of crime as a general phenomenon, the causes of crime, the personality of the offender, and crime prevention measures fall within the scope of sociology.

Thriller Genre in Films

The other element of the thriller genre is suspense, which promotes an intense level of anticipation and excitement to the viewer. Another element of the thriller genre used in many movies is the cat and [...]

Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy

According to psychologists, MSBP is abused because it leads to the wrong administration of drugs and therapies, leading to the deterioration of conditions. One of the most terrible effects of MSBP is the fact that [...]

Soil Ecology and Restoration Science

The main objectives of ecology are to comprehend the laws of functioning and development of the biosphere as an integral system and to study the reactions of environmental components to the disturbance of the impact [...]

Mouth Morphemes in Sign Languages

Mouth actions are the focus of this paper, and researchers distinguish two types of mouth actions: mouth gestures and mouthings. However, the meaning of similar mouth gestures rarely coincides in different languages.

Substance Abuse and Community Nursing

In the past the failure of properly addressing the problem and scientifically developing and applying the treatment for substance abusers caused many to believe that substance abuse disorders do not respond to any psychological interventions.

Banning Assault Rifles Guns in the USA

The existence of such kind of guns poses a security threat to the residents and the security officers. Therefore, it is a requirement for the government to illegalize the possession and existence of assault rifles [...]

Boycotting Circuses Overview

Throughout the period of training and shows, such animals are made to live in constant distress and intimidation. Stopping the use of animals in circuses will relieve them of such problems and ensure that they [...]

Comparison and Contrast of Art History

Daniel Strobel, Jr.and Her Son, George is one from the pair of neoclassical portraits of the Strobel family Daniel Strobel, the American Diplomat in France, and his wife, Anna Church, the daughter of the first [...]

Pearl Diving in the UAE

According to an interview in The National involving Juma'a al Batishi, a retired diver in the pearling industry, "on the first day of Ghous Al Kabir, the voyage crew and their families would participate in [...]

The Fast Food Restaurant Market of Canada

More than 100 various franchising offers Growing demand for fast food restaurant franchising Wide variety of demanded franchises with diverse prices and distinct revenue potential Growing possibilities to utilize disposable income, which increases proportionally [...]