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Federal Budget Deficits: Cost and Benefits

Huntley notes that the most important consideration when discussing the benefits accrued from this type of deficits is that the economy is not slowed down by any margin contrary to the perception of some economic [...]

Marketing Mix and Marketing Strategy

In marketing a new product, the following sections are important for successful penetration into the market: The first step is researching extensively for information about competitors and the kind of products, customers, and strategies they [...]

Refinery Wastewater Management

Water processing plants that use chemical processes to manage the waste water have now turned to the use of zero-effluent techniques of waste management that ensure that the waste water can be re-used and the [...]

Concepts of Human Resource Management

Therefore, owing to the complex nature of many organizations, and the extensive nature of activities that occur in organizations every day, it becomes necessary for organizations to have a department that manages all workers' concerns; [...]

Food and Beverage Industry Analysis

The Coca-Cola Company and Pepsi Cola are among the biggest and most profitable firms in the world. The world head quarter of the Coca-Cola Company is located in Atlanta, Georgia while the head office of [...]

Internet and E-Business

Managers have often attributed the success of their business to the adoption of IT and many more say that IT has helped their businesses grow and become more efficient because it integrates their data processing [...]

The 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake

The earthquake was accompanied by a great tsunami given the high magnitude of the earthquake that reached 9. The third disaster was the meltdown of a number of nuclear plants following the tsunami.

Pursuit of Happiness Film Analysis

Thus, while the film centers on the theme of "pursuit of happiness," this paper shows that the film distorts the concept of happiness to represent the orientation of earthly goods through which our reality revolves [...]

Racial Inequality in America in 1998

The Omnibus Civil Rights Act of 1964, The Voting Rights Act of 1965, and the Free Housing Act of 1968 that assisted in the fight against racial iniquality by legislating the desired socio-political, economic, and [...]

Warfare in the High Skies

To determine the long term prospects of the two airlines in relation to their existing marketing strategies in the context of their rivalry Etihad Airways and Emirates Airlines are bitter rivals in the airline sector [...]

The Martha Stewart Trial

In the trial, the prosecutors of the case brought to the attention of the court that Martha Stewart did not cooperate in the case and instead barred the investigation of the government, specifically in her [...]

Analysis of Piracy in Somalia

After the fall of the government following the death of Siad Barre, a state of lawlessness ensued, and brought about an uprising of different factions claiming authority. These factions include the Government of Somaliland, the [...]

Ancient China Unification

The key factor in the unification of the Chinese people is their adherence to the standardized belief system employed by the empire.

Women’s Suffrage Movement

The struggle for women suffrage augmented in the middle of the nineteenth century with the establishment of diverse associations. The formation of the International Council of Women occurred in the year 1888.

States of Consciousness

The various concepts will help in understanding the individuals' states at normal conditions and give an insight to the state of being of an individual when the state of consciousness is altered.

The Global Code of Conduct

The company shall expect all employees to adhere to the contents of the code. Employees must protect the name of the company, and they should uphold the integrity of the company in professional issues.

Potato Chips Industry

However, in a monopoly market structure, the social cost of a monopoly to both the stakeholder and the consumer is much higher than the cost of monopolistically competitive firm.

Witchcraft in Europe, 1450 – 1750

This means that gender was the central issue to the European witch-hunts of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. The belief in the existence of witchcraft goes back to the time of Old Testament of the [...]

Bill AB 119 by Dave Jones

The proposed legislation makes illegal health schemes and health insurance providers from charging a payment, cost, or charge degrees of difference for health care assurance on the grounds of gender of the soon-to-be subscriber, or [...]

Taiwan’s Economy Transformation

These include the role played by China in ejecting the Dutch, the war between Japan and China over Taiwan and the invasion of the Island by KMT forces in 1945.