Speaking of Hwang's paper, one must mention that the research offers a detailed analysis of the components of the Confucian idea of self, i.e, the relational self, the authentic self, and the non-self.
The article discusses the results of investigations conducted within different medical establishments with the purpose of identifying all the possible forms of bias in questionnaires including bias in the way of designing questions, in the [...]
They should take initiatives to reappraise their expectations and the role of marketing in a digital and networked marketplace. Marketing techniques should identify how to attack the competition and the value of emphasizing value.
With this approach, the authors aim to correlate the findings with the results of other researchers in the field, verify the relevance of the findings, and detect new insights by observing similarities and differences.
However, in her view, a background of intoxication for the perpetrators and the victims contribute to the occurrence of the crimes1, a point that she seeks to prove in her research.
2 Both ideas make sense, and the goal of this review is to compare the opinions of James and Clifford to strengthen an understanding of the connection between beliefs, evidence, and sentiments.
This has been achieved by analyzing the relationship graphs of alcohol consumption versus advertising, as well as bans on advertising. One of them is that it only focuses on advertising as the only influencer of [...]
Additionally, the scholarly critique shall attempt to identify the goals of the article and the key theories and concepts used and whether are not these theories and concepts achieved the goals of the article. The [...]
Thus, as the article supports the importance of human consciousness and negates projection of humans as objects of religion, the content of the article is important to atheists.
While the article proposes an interesting version of capitalism, it presents the shared value model as a panacea for the businesses, the government, and the society, with little to no analysis dedicated to the downsides [...]
Lastly, the article gives hope to readers and explains that the absence of robust ethical consumerism behavior does not mean that this practice is dead.
The rise of the manager is attributed to the rise of the industrial age which happened around early 1900, whereby some companies needed more staff and this eventually led to the need for a manager [...]
Here is the central argument between business profitability and ethical rights of the customers; the agencies are to evaluate the losses which can be suffered and the level of product inefficiency in accordance with all [...]
The article's main purpose is that assess burnout, turnover intention, and supposed quality of care for patients among healthcare professionals in Oman and examine the prospective moderating responsibility of job satisfaction on the relationship between [...]
The research by Lai and Lam examined the divergent views of the contract participants in the industry. The findings revealed the existence of differences, in the importance of the performance criteria among the contract participants.
The article's findings showed that in terms of spawn participation, quivering frequency, and nest fidelity, captively reared transgenic counterparts were outperformed by wild anadromous males.
Through the article The Right to Privacy is Not a Right to Facebook Castro tries to explore the issue of online privacy by focusing on a Facebook company that recently came up with new privacy [...]
Namely, the author starts the discussion by describing the origins and symptoms of the COVID-19 disease and then explains the inoculation development process and types.
In the center of the article is the question of the need to teach grammar in schools and academies, but at the same time, the controversial autonomy of this discipline is discussed. The article contains [...]
This term is considered in the article as a self-managing company system that allows the distribution of responsibilities among the equally managed groups of individuals.
The Discourse of the Collective Subject revealed that hegemonic masculinity was embedded in elderly men's experiences of acute myocardial infarction before, during, and after diagnosis.
The article discusses each of the five steps in a separate section, providing guidelines and recommendations to the reader. The second step is planning and rehearsing the delivery to ensure a smooth flow of words.
The article aims at trying to get an answer to the question of what is the essence of the approach to hypothesis-driven thinking among various industries. This means that the evolution of thinking increases the [...]
The debate over whether stricter gun regulations in a state are related to fewer firearm fatalities is covered by Freegler et al.in their article "Firearm Legislation and Firearm-Related Fatalities in the United States".
The public is being exposed to the virus by not continuing the quarantine; opening theme parks to the public so soon is risking the safety of everyone.
Such pathogenic bacteria are transferred into the human body through milk intake, and at times antibiotics that are administered for the treatment of infection do not succeed in destroying the pathogens, causing a threat to [...]
The article indicates the purpose of the project, as intent to influence group competence perceptions of transformational leadership, after those perceptions have been included in the curriculum of the course.
Data were gathered using a survey instrument that had 47 questions focusing on the use of CAM, demographic factors, well-being, and the type of infertility affecting the participants. Participants who perceived their infertility problem to [...]
The sequence of steps in the study and the structure of the article help to track the logic of the research and assess the presence of bias, errors, or imprecision, and the accuracy of the [...]
This is through the involvement of elements that ensures widening of the business scope and focusing on the efforts to satisfy the desires and needs of potential clients.
Even though Asia is trying to influence the lives of people in the global society, Acharya observes that the world is yet to recognize its contributions.
The research is important because it seeks to review the proposed approach of how the public sector in the Middle East, especially the police force in Dubai, can use the knowledge management system to promote [...]
The Mandelblatt et al.article examined the cost effectiveness of screening patients 65 years and older on the basis that such tests were warranted given the potential for sufficient treatments to be applied so as to [...]
However, the major weakness with this study is its choice of study that it uses for it reviews, this is because the entire research study is based on 6 studies which according to my opinion [...]
Joselyn had to meet the social standards set by her father to survive in the white neighborhood where every woman is 'thin.' In summary, Thompson's position on the causes of eating disorders among women is [...]
The authors attribute the decrease in mechanical performance at low densities to the random porosity, which is present in both natural and artificial cellular materials.
The names of the author have been presented after the title to clearly show the owners of the work. This is necessary to show the relevance of the content to the reader.
The leading idea of the article is that the epidemic has changed the attitude towards cleanliness. The author encourages readers to reflect and discuss all outcomes.
The other side is about the rule or patterns of the ordering and of the relationships between the words and other elements that construct a phrase or a sentence.
This would undermine the purpose of the study and the researchers should have used a sample size that could give them the confidence of full population representation.
A major weakness of the models described by Johnsen is that none of the definitions recognizes the importance of the home and school environment in dictating the degree, and perhaps the direction, in which a [...]
Therefore, organizational executives should apply the proficiencies, capabilities, and understanding of the managerial accounting practices, in addition to being aware of the inconsistent business settings, to tackle the problems of control with the help of [...]
The article written by Hryvniak, Dicharry, and Wilder is dedicated to exploring the relationship between barefoot running and the chances of injury/trauma in runners.
Based on national marijuana studies and DSM-IV, the researchers conclude that addiction to marijuana is a non-debatable statement and that starting marijuana use in adolescence doubles or even quadruples the risks of cannabis use disorder.
The authors, for the first time, speak out about the potential threat of significant differences in the assessment of the beauty and quality of the work of male and female teachers.
The study was motivated by several issues which include: the response of children to social pressures, the perceptions of children to fatness or thinness, the consciousness of children to eating disorders, the perceptions of big [...]
The paper major aim was to generate more knowledge to fill the missing gap in the current literature in the field of mutual funds and hedge funds performance in developing countries by assessment of available [...]
The view by the author here is that it is scientifically correct to say that animals are ready to suffer the atrocities of being eaten by man because they consider this the only way to [...]
In the first paragraph, the author clarified that she was a wife and a mother. In the fourth paragraph, the author argued that she needed a wife that would take care of her physical needs.
Whereas this may not necessarily describe the person whom the author is talking about, other indications in the article insinuate that the individual being referred in the article is an American.
In this article, Johnson discusses the impacts and effects of the internet on the social and personal lives of individuals. This article thus explores the manner in which people utilize social media and networks and [...]
As a matter of fact, I usually find myself in a dilemma similar to the one presented by the author of the article when deciding what's important in my own life as I make choices [...]
One of the major examples that can support the importance of corporate theory is Disney's period of rising, decline, and successful rise again during several decades of the XX century.
Research shows that many rural dwellers in developing nations move to towns and as cities struggle to accommodate the high growth, the rural residents often end up living in slums that are already teemed.
The paper will place the article in its context in the strategy debate. It is apparent that individual skills and ability to adapt can affect the ability of an organisation to adapt to the changes [...]
Blair Kamin is one of the most famous architecture critics in the United States, and current debates regarding changes in media and the role of architecture criticism in this process are also discussed by Kamin [...]
With respect to the international asset pricing and portfolio theory, the author centers on the diversification benefits and cost. On the other hand, the second view suggests that diversification is essential to every organization; however, [...]
The article fails to demonstrate the shortcomings of sustainability to the corporate world in terms of cost. The author offers a triangulation of both theory and practice to interpret a situation in the organization.
Several types of research document an increase in public firms' accounting and audit costs since the enactment of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act in 2002. The inclusion of an independent audit committee has enabled executives to prevent [...]
The design is described in simple terms, and Bradbury-Jones and Broadhurst explain that it was chosen due to the lack of available evidence about the topic of the study.
The problem of protests and mass unrest in Quito, the capital of Ecuador, was also discussed in the articles by Joe Emersberger and Michael Weissenstein and Gonzalo Solano.
Regarding the years of publication of the sources used by the author, it is also possible to predict that 2016 is the year when the article was written.
The aim of this work is to review the article "Mechanical reasoning by mental simulation by Mary Hegarty. From this perspective, the author reviewed the literature on mental representation in mechanical reasoning.
An article by Maria Grant et al concerning the establishment and evaluation of interactive tutorials on information skills is one of the articles that are more elaborate in the discussion of the concept of information-seeking [...]
The two levels are vital as far as the growth and success of an organization are concerned with strategic leadership in this case aimed at maximizing returns for an organization at the same time reducing [...]
In addition, the model explains various levels of an organisational culture and how change can be initiated by giving priority to the peripheral layer of artifacts and symbols.
The evaluation employed a combination of qualitative and quantitative techniques in the examination of research questions that encompassed the means of executing the SPBP program, the results of the program, and the impacts of the [...]
The consequent result of these actions on the part of the company makes the stock of the company more diluted as the value of the shares and the profits are spread over a larger volume [...]
However, it is proposed in the article that to improve the health of individuals and communities, the government should focus on influencing the moral law within.
Intertextual analysis may function as the mirror of society on the textual level, it gives the reflection of the interaction of societal elements on the basis of recurrence of ideas in texts and references to [...]
The purpose of the article is to provide a useful tool for optimizing defaults design. To conclude, the article provides a comprehensive overview of using defaults in business.
Ta-Nehisi Coates, in his essay The Case for Reparations, examines the consequences of slavery and segregation in the United States and argues the importance of reparations for black Americans, both in a financial and moral [...]
What the prosecutors and even the judge in this particular case failed to take note of is the potential for this particular type of resentment to escalate well into the future possibly leading to a [...]
The caterpillar management has managed to be the preferred choice in the global market while it acts within the company. The company has utilized research and development services in order to increase its opportunities in [...]
According to Anderson, design for manufacturability constitutes a process of proactive design of products that guarantee the best cost of manufacturing and customer satisfaction among others.
The problem of confrontations in the corporate environment is unfortunately common due to the differences in the viewpoints, philosophies, and values of the company members.
The article significantly addresses the importance of the emerging concept of social control in the place of the decaying concept of state based on Foucault's criticism of a 'theory of the State.' intending to imply [...]
This paper critiques the journal article "Risk and risk management in juvenile justice" by looking at its contribution to the topic, how poor professionalism and ethical issues surrounding risk assessment of juveniles may lead to [...]
The authors focused on identifying all published randomized medical trials examining the impact of aspirin in all doses versus placebo used for the major treatment of stroke and related conditions in people without medically visible [...]
Oxygen delivery to patients without hypoxemia can lead to adverse outcomes in the presence of hyperoxia. Prehospital care takes place in unique environments with logistical and educational challenges Prehospital care requires oxygen therapy for patients [...]
One of the main reasons why legal positivists support the separation of law and ethics is the absence of the universal ethical standards that are applied across countries, cultures, or communities.
The information presented on the articles offers an insight in the diagnosis of diabetes among various groups of persons and the related preventive and treatment measures. The study identified 3666 cases of initial stages of [...]
Author(s) of journal article being reviewed: Gardner, A. S. Title of journal article being reviewed: “Mapping the terrestrial reptile distributions in Oman and the United Arab Emirates.” Year of article: 2009 Journal name: ZooKeys Volume/Page Numbers: 31/165-177 What is the research question the author(s) are trying to address? The terrestrial reptile fauna of Oman and […]
Pinsker et al.point out that the levels of self-efficacy and the severity of smoking urges change significantly during the smoking cessation treatment.
The need to understand the complex interplay between a number of variables, including genetics, environmental factors, clinical, psychological and social processes, in the development of brain disorders and the resultant behavioural and cognitive deficiencies informed [...]
In more detail, the abstraction of the brand is the extent to which this or that brand is out of the limits of a specific product and is used more as a notion to refer [...]
Particularly, Grygiel-Gorniak et al.start the description of the results with the variables that were considered in the study, proceeding to the exploration of the outcomes.
This aspect corresponds to the content of the text, as this is the central focus of the article. At the end of the article, they presented notes on the role of everyone in conducting the [...]
The abstract also provided important details relating to the article, including the approach used, the target population and the broader aim of the study, which was to standardise an emergency observation chart to allow healthcare [...]
The purpose of the article aimed at identifying the intervening factors in relation to how people perceive community policing and decrease of criminal threat and anxieties among citizens; therefore, the two researchers aimed to address [...]
Two articles under consideration consider the opposite views regarding the education of students with autism; on the basis of the information obtained from these articles, it can be stated that none of the perspectives is [...]
Employees' behaviors shape the culture of the organization and their ability to accommodate changes in the organization. An organizational culture that stimulates creativity and innovation leads to the success of change management initiatives in the [...]
Garrett Hardin in her article entitled "Lifeboat Ethics: The Case against Helping the Poor" presents a scholarly approach to the existing state-of-art in international relations and the ways the support of the poor countries enables [...]
First, the Platinum customers are the most profitable customers, and are typically heavy users of the product, who are not overly priced sensitive and whose commitment to the enterprise is high.
The article "The Challenge of Cultural Relativism" by Rachels explores the issue of ethics. According to Rachels, cultural relativism fails to support the existence of universal moral standards.
The results of the study by Pascoe et al.demonstrate that the majority of students report high levels of stress and negative effects on their mental and physical health.
Therefore, the author begins with the critical review of data on the notion of human trafficking, including sex and labor trafficking forms, which often use immigrants and women as vulnerable populations.
The research question is not formulated evidently, but the readers can understand that the authors pose the question about the differences in injury rates as related to the country and status of immigrants and refugee [...]
In this paper, I present summarized concepts of the article and avail comments regarding specific sections like the findings, discussions and relevance of the study in real-life counseling.
One of the main arguments that the author advances is that the military, political, and economic intervention into such countries as Libya, Iran, Mali, or Sudan will not bring any substantial benefits to the citizens [...]