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Modernist Painting: Critical Anthology

In his publication "Modernist Painting," Clement Greenberg proves that the deficiency of figurativeness inherent in the contemporary modernist painting is the result of the art self-development instead of impacts made by social and historic factors.

Japanese History During the Meiji Restoration

It is against this backdrop that this paper explores the Meiji restoration and also uses pictures and image arts to appreciate the differences in time and models that were dominant during the imperial rule.

California Real Estate Discrimination

These acts include the real estate license law, the Fair Employment and Housing Act, the Housing Financial Discrimination Act, and the Unruh Civil Rights Act among the federal laws.Mr.

Nursing Informatics: Relational Schema

The current paper discusses the concept of relational tables and dwells on the conceptual development of a database. The author of the paper specifies the unique names of the relational tables, attributes, and data characteristics.

Ethical Dilemmas in Prison’s Research

The present paper aims to discuss the applicability of confidentiality and privacy provisions to prison research by addressing both the general rules regarding confidentiality of information in research and the specific considerations that apply to [...]

Employment Law and Health Care

One of the most influential and critical laws is the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010, commonly referred to as the Affordable Care Act or simply the ACA.

Vocational Self-Efficacy and Post-School Life

The amount of literature related to vocational self-efficacy of high school students with disabilities and their transition to post-school life is rather limited; therefore, several studies pertaining to vocational self-efficacy in some other contexts were [...]

English as a Lingua Franca

Accepted voluntarily as a language of communication in the field of science, commerce, and other areas, the English language as a lingua franca focused on the poor quality of performance, the distortion of norms under [...]