10 Page Essay: Examples, Topics, & Word Count. Page 7

4,600 samples

Goals of business

The aim of this paper is to critic and analyse the claim that the main goal of businesses is profit maximisation. CSR is the obligation of businesses to offer social, legal and economic support and [...]

Apple Inc. and Samsung Electronics Co.

However, the company's success did not stop with the iPod and iTunes, the company went on to make one of the highest quality smartphones in the market, the iPhone. The company fulfills various needs of [...]

Ethnography: An in-depth analysis

The focus of this process is the collection and recording of detailed information about the activities of a selected group of people or community with regard to the topic of the study, which proves useful [...]

Apple’s iBook Using in Schools

Thus, it can be stated that the iBook helps both the teachers and the students create a library of their choice This application has improved the education sector and learning process as through the embracement [...]

The Benefits of Outsourcing

In order to understand the importance of outsourcing, it would be important to first look at the reasons for outsourcing Outsourcing is one of the new trends in the current world.

Gender Propagation in Titanic Miniseries

In spite of the film indicating that the people travelling in the Titanic are divided based on their social status, the film goes ahead to show a high level of interaction among the different classes [...]

St. Patrick’s Day

Saint Patrick's Day is celebrated all over the world today due to the spread of the Irish heritage around the globe.

Impact of 2012 Olympics on London and UK

The aim of this research shall be to establish the economic, social-cultural, and environmental impacts of the 2012 Olympics on London at its environs, with the objective of contrasting the pre-Olympics estimates of the impacts [...]

Tata Company SWOT and PEST Analysis

According to Krishnan, the companys acquisition of two premium vehicle brands Jaguar and Land Rover may boost the companys image as an international company; in addition, it will help the company in its up scaling [...]

Growing role of Shale Gas

The most important factor to be considered in Shale gas extraction is the level of gas in Shale gas reservoirs. The impact of Shale gas is expected to be felt in global natural gas production.

Megan’s law and Adam Walsh Act

The main hindrances reducing the effectiveness of the method significantly are inaccuracy of the state registries' databases and certain level of naivety of the laws, focused on punishment of the previous crimes instead of preventing [...]

Problem of Hydrocodone Addiction in US

To gain a better understanding on hydrocodone abuse and the implications of compulsive behaviors resulting from addiction in an individual, a closer evaluation of historical and contemporary cases with particular interest on prevention and treatment [...]

Retail Management in UK

In addition, adoption of efficient and reliable technology in the marketing of these products has positively skewed the market to the advantage of these three retail giants.

Central heating systems

The main components of a central heating system include the source of heat and appliances for heating, medium of conveying the heat to the area where heating is required, and spaces for releasing heat.

Hilton Hotels Corporation

The renaming of Hilton International Company by the British company led to the emergence of two separate and completely autonomous companies operating under the umbrella of Hilton Worldwide.

Human Capital Strategy: Cisco

This case was detrimental to the company's growth since the company did not have the structure and culture of creativity and innovation from individuals who had been nurtured from Cisco adapting to the working culture [...]

Marketing Aquarium

Therefore, to understand the kind of market the aquarium can target, it is good to first consider what kind of people have access to the aquarium.

Culture as an Issue in Knowledge Sharing

Using various principles of Knowledge Management as well as other literatures related to this topic, the paper shall in detail analyze the extent to which the article relates the topic under discussion to the problems [...]

On a Live Multi-Media Business Case

Some of the materials shown here below; The second thing after preparing the materials for work in the process of making the fireplaces is setting up the mould for the different kinds of fireplaces required [...]

Bullying in the Workplace

Organizational leaders have an ethical obligation to ensure that they deal with cases of bullying within the workplace in a professional manner that demonstrates equality, honesty, and high sensitivity to the needs of others.

Cisco: Human Resource Management

The company wanted to get the best talent, motivate them, and be the industry leader. The company focused on the growth, acquisitions of other companies, and the generation of revenues.