18 Page Essay & Research Paper Examples. Page 3

347 samples

Technological Development: Oman Insurance Company

According to the requirements of combining information technology and information system relating to the internal and external environmental elaboration and development purpose, critical analysis of technological background and overall judgment of competency regarding the selected [...]

The Learning Log Assignment

I also need to get a better understanding of such concept as integrating marketing communications, which implies that the company should use all of its marketing communications tools and channels in order to appeal to [...]

Empires and Science Fiction

In his article "Race, Space and Class: The Politics of the SF Film from Metropolis to Blade Runner", David Desser had made a perfectly good point while stating: "...the themes and techniques of such films [...]

Space Exploration Problems

On the other hand, people have an opportunity to study the processes which could be useful for understanding the origins of planets, galaxies and the universe in general. BNSC reflected on the plans that UK [...]

Islamic Branding and Reputation Management

However, the status of Islamic branding does not emerge from the interest and demand for Islamic commercial services; it stems from the weaknesses and gaps of conventional branding methods and their failure to appeal to [...]

Commodity Activism in a Racial Context

The importance of analyzing the two campaigns lies in the possibility of showing how companies are using commodity activism to capture a target audience that shares their political views and promotes the messages of equality [...]

China Cross-Border E-Commerce Report

The topic for the investigation is chosen because of the growing importance of the online business and, at the same time, the robust economic power of China which now becomes one of the leading states [...]

Costco Company: Hybrid Strategy

Close to 82 percent of workers at Costco enjoy health insurance cover courtesy of the retail store. When compared to Wal-Mart, only 48 percent enjoys such a benefit plan.

Auditor Independence: Perception or Reality

In addition, auditors are required to provide the credibility of the information regarding the firm's financial position, whether the firm complies with the stipulate financial accounting standards in reporting and its financial performance. This represents [...]

Ethical Implications of the Use of Bitcoin

The emergence of cryptocurrency has been a significant breakthrough for global economic policy and practice, and Bitcoin is expected to continue to evolve. In particular, increased states are recognizing Bitcoin and creating legal regulations for [...]

Event Marketing of Super Bowl

For example, the Cheetos commercial was fascinating to fans and is considered one of the most talked-about ads of the 2021 Super Bowl. For the super bowl event, several marketing strategies were used to reach [...]