5 Page Essay: Examples, Topics, & Word Count. Page 33

12,606 samples

Cohesive Organizational Culture

Organizational culture is closely related to organizational structure in that the manner in which decisions are made by the top management influences the relationship between the top management and the other employees, which consequently determines [...]

Day of the Dead

The Day of the Dead documentary highlights how Mexicans connect with the dead during the Day of the Dead ceremony. The documentary provides detailed accounts of the ceremony by highlighting how the traditional-adherent Purepecha community, [...]

Japan and Imperialism 1853-1945 by James Huffman

The main topic in the reading is imperialism, which the author believes motivated Japan to economic and political development. The author applies a variety of data to present the concept of imperialism in Japan's history.

Job Analysis Importance

During this process, information that provides solutions to issues such as the objectives of the job, the physical location of the job and the current trends in the job market are considered.

E-Recruitment: Analysis of Current Trends

E-recruitment has revolutionalized the process of recruitment because it is cheap, fast, and allows organizations to hire employees from a wide assortment of talents from around the world. A common consequence of e-recruitment is selection [...]

Material Life of the Chinese

In addition to use of food as a gesture of goodwill, silver and silk hold a significant position with regard to expression of courtesy for an act of appreciation of ones life. The size and [...]

Marriot International, Inc. Analysis

Along with the increasing lodging demands, the trend has also brought great impact to other driving forces in the hospitality industry, in a manner that touches almost every sector of the industry These impacts have [...]

Summary of Continuous and Stage CMMI

These levels include the initial level which entails the starting use of the process, repeatable where the process is repeated, defined and involve the definition of the process and the confirmation of the standard business [...]

Organizations and Economic Environment

Actually, more than half of the products and services in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act were dedicated to policies that would assist in economic growth and the capability of promoting continuous economic growth was [...]

The Public Library

So, these are some of the services that this library will offer to the clients. Apart from that, this public library will be accountable to the community, in general.

Challenges of Women in China

The project intends to build capacity for women living in disaster prone areas to assess economic risks, embrace strategies of coping with the disasters and reduce the losses associated with the disasters. The vulnerable women [...]

Marketing Research Ethics

The approaches used in the research should not harm the relationship that exists between researcher and client, researcher and research subject, and the researcher and the marketing research industry.

Dehumanization in Auschwitz

Tattooing of Inmates The first striking factor is the tattooing of a number on the left arm of the inmate and the demand that the prisoner uses this number as his name.

Academic Achievement: An Examination

Parental aspects that have been found to have a strong influence on academic achievements of their children include the parents' expectations and attribution, home environment, instilling of discipline, parental involvement in their children's schoolwork, and [...]

The Rise of the Papacy

Pope Leo the Great was of particular importance in the rise of papacy as he not only convinced the barbarians not to destroy the city of Rome, he also coaxed the emperor Valentinian into recognizing [...]

Advertising for Consuming Kids

The narrator in the film, Consuming Kids, argues that the fact that children spend an "equivalent of the combined economies of the world's 115 poorest countries" has attracted many marketers to this market.

Culture of an Individual from Kenya

She shook my hand in greeting but disclosed that in some subcultures in Kenya elders touched the index and middle finger to the forehead of a minor in greeting among the Maasai, or the minor [...]

Asian Studies in the Film Shower by Zhang Yang

The idea that the film Shower is indeed about exposing the inconsistency between the 'traditional ways' of China, on one hand, and the process of this country becoming progressively affiliated with the ways of modernity, [...]
  • Subjects: History
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1410

The Nike Company Market’s Audit

Table 1: Analysis of the Nike+ Sportwatch GPS The first problem associated with the product is that the market already has access to the features it provides in various forms.

Drug Usage by Students

Students have been shown to crave and use marijuana and other illicit drugs in groups and settings where their friends are already involved in the usage.

The Evolution of Television

The discovery of the photoconductive properties of selenium by Willoughby Smith and his assistant in 1873 completely changed the things in the history of television.

Forensic Accounting in Organizations

In the courts, a forensic accountant unravels the evidence linked to financial fraud by testifying. Moreover, a forensic accountant has to support the evidence produced in the court.

The Great Lakes Company

On the other hand, it has forced the company to commit itself to a lot of environmental responsibilities. This is because most of them have not made a transition from the use of leaded gasoline [...]

NIBCO’s Team Playing Environment

Though the implementation of the big bang would result in increased consultation expenses, it was viewed as to last only in the short run, while the long-run effect would be a reduction in the overall [...]

Marketing Mix Recommendation for Nordstrom Inc.

In other words, the company should ensure that the products have additional value beyond the expectations of the customers. The company should ensure that the products are displayed according to the sizes and reflect shapes [...]

The God’s World Creation Story

With respect to the first chapters of Genesis, Hamilton posits, "...the battle lines are drawn between the interpretation of the creation story and scientific knowledge about the origin of the earth and mankind".


Currently, the types of questions various scholars are grappling with a range from the type of social and economic institutions that bring about improvements in the current capitalist advanced economies to the kinds of institutions [...]

Rat Rod Are Better Than Custom Cars

Functionality implies the ability of the modified car to fulfill the purpose of the manufacturer while performance is an indication of the level of efficiency of the modifications done on the vehicle.

The Joseph Story

The Joseph story, like the Abraham and Jacob stories, contributes to the exposition of the theme of the Pentateuch by showing how the promises of Abraham were partially fulfilled.

Effective Employee Compensation

Due to the risks that are apparent for the employees, agency theory articulates that firms have the obligation to pay the employees a premium.

McDonald’s Franchise Model

The strategy to develop and the use of a uniform supply and distribution system have enabled the company to be consistent in their products taste.

Cultural Identity: Problems, Coping, and Outcomes

The intensification of the processes of globalization, cultural integration, and expansion of contacts between representatives of different countries led to the gradual blurring of boundaries between national cultures and the loss of cultural identity.