Free Report Examples. Page 4

12,489 samples

Light Beams and Their Classification

In fact, in the diffraction of any waves, including light waves, visual observation of the envelope of obstacles by waves is possible only if the dimensions of these obstacles are comparable with the dimensions of [...]

Residential Property Research Report

The purpose of this analysis was to examine and recognize the property's type, the residential property industry, value conceptions, and the unique locational elements that drive residential property prices in distinct submarkets.

Physics Lab Report: Hooke’s Law

In response to the pulling force, a restoring force is equal to the compression or extension force. In essence, the restoring force is equal and in opposite direction to the force exerted on the elastic [...]

Sheet-Metal Formation Analysis

Further, the plant setting in which the procedure is accompanied is also part of the sheet metal forming arrangement. Additionally, the definition of the constraints in sheet metal forming is anchored on the incidence of [...]

United Parcel Services Leadership

Scott Davis, the CEO and chairman of United Parcel Services since 2008, is an innovative leader who has been able to put together the company's yesterday's foundation, today's strengths and tomorrow's goals to establish the [...]

TUV Nord Group’s Certification Activities

ISO Standards The world of business is regulated not only by the rules of economic and financial activities but also by the quality standards that are attributed to organizations by the so-called ISO and its [...]

Isotope Ratio Mass Spectroscopy of Cheese

The purpose of this study was to use isotope ratio mass spectroscopy to determine isotopic disparities of 15nitrogen, 13carbon and 2hydrogen in six cheese samples and distinguish them based on geographic, geological and agricultural practices. [...]