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Racial Discrimination at the World Bank

In addition, leveraging on an employee in a diverse population always end up with a particular race being victimized through work termination as employers tend to match the contact race of an employee to that [...]

The Culture of Electronic Dance Music

In a bid to realize its aim, the paper discusses the relationship between attending EDM events and the rationality that leads to the consumption of illicit drugs such as ecstasy.

Strawberries History

They are the most famous and trendiest fruits in the planet. Strawberries are also used as ingredients in strawberry tiramisu which substitutes the coffee flavor for tasty and colorful strawberry effect.

Global Communications: Gap Analysis

Current research is a multidimensional analysis of Global Communications company current situation, finding the ways for solving its operational and strategic problems, enhancing its market and stock positions, and bridging gaps in product positioning, usage, [...]

Mathematics and Business Relationship

When slack time exists between the end of one task and the start of another, the usual method is to draw a broken or dotted line between the end of the first task and the [...]

Events Leading Up to WWI

This move also contributed to the start of the conflict and eventually to the war. This decision was vehemently opposed by the Slavs, which saw Russia come to the aid of Serbia while on the [...]

Why the Central Saudi Is Rich in Oil

Specifically, central Saudi Arabia consists of the world's richest oil fields that are concentrated in the Greater Ghawar province whose Paleozoic and Jurassic systems of the Arabian Peninsula are largely the sources of oil and [...]

Drug War in Afghanistan

Over the last three decades, the NATO has been making various strategies to end the war and the drug business in Afghanistan because of the negative activities that the Taliban carries out not only in [...]

Off Season Fashion Sales: Procurement in Retail

Karakul's 2008 article "Joint Pricing and Procurement of Fashion Products in the Existence of a Clearance Market published in the International Journal of Production Economics, cites that in the apparel industry, the dilemma of always [...]