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Leadership and Strategic Planning

Effective leadership is one of the critical sources of employee motivation and retention that subsequently contributes to individual employee success and enhanced organisational performance.

Lemonade Stand Business Performance

The Lemonade case falls under fast-food restaurant and as such to evaluate its actual financial performance, it is wise to insider its performance to that of other players within the industry. The performance is shown [...]

Tesla Motors Distribution Channels

The growth of the level of rivalry combined with the complexity of markets and modern conditions result in the reconsideration of the role of the channel in business and its deep investigation.

Crowdsourcing’s Pros and Cons

People have defined crowdsourcing as the process of giving work to online communities in order to collect information and complete tasks, i.e, it depends on the power of the crowd.

Adolf Hitler Psychotic State

Brief history and family background of Adolf Hitler Adolf Hitler was certainly a disharmonious and destructive personality and, in order to define the main underpinnings and causes of his psychological disorders, family background and history [...]

Cleopatra’ and Caesar’ Relationship

It must be noted though that based off historical accounts the relationship between Cleopatra and Julius Caesar was bound to fail even before it started due to the volatile combination of their personalities and the [...]
  • Subjects: History
  • Pages: 10
  • Words: 2418