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Student Athletes’ Employee Status and Compensation

While the majority would argue from various perspectives that the scholarships and the meager benefits are enough compensation, the huge amount of returns the colleges and universities receive from the student-athletes participating in the sports [...]

Presumption of Innocence in Palestine

According to Al-Kisswani, the Presumption of Innocence Law is used to ensure that there is fairness in the process of prosecution, and that the accused will only be considered guilty after the prosecution has proven [...]

FedEx Corporation’s External Factors

The following are some of the macro environmental factors that affect the delivery operations of the organization and how the factors influence its operations These are factors that specifically focus on the needs and wants [...]

Terrorism in the Middle East

The aim of this study is to provide an in-depth analysis of terrorism in the Middle East. The study on terrorism will also help in understanding the effects of this crime on countries in the [...]

2008 Financial Crisis in Dubai

In order to address the collapse in the real estate market observed in Dubai in 2008, the Emirate's authorities focused on elaborating stricter regulations on developers of the housing projects and on the buyers. 26 [...]

Anti-Aging Products: Pros and Cons

While the subject on anti-aging products is politicized over time, the manufacturers of the products defend themselves by saying that the customers are informed, they understand the risks associated with anti-aging products, and they choose [...]

Leadership Implicit Followership Theories

Keywords: Teamwork, individuals, individualism, leaders, employees' outcomes, job satisfaction, characteristics, and perceptions In essence, the pre-existing perceptions of the leaders towards the characteristics of their followers are critical issues to the performance of the organization.

Internet Marketing Communication Strategies

The use of online communication with consumers has been said to be on the increase and many organizations have used this strategy to improve their relationship with consumers. Online social networks have been found to [...]

Moral Issue of Capital Punishment

Capital punishment is also a form of premeditated death as the action is planned for, does it mean that the state has the right to premeditate deaths for some of its citizens because they are [...]

Design’ Definition and Methodologies

In order to analyze some of the difference that exists among the scholars in this field, this study will analyze the topical coverage of some of the books authored by popular designers in the contemporary [...]

Leadership Approaches in the UAE

This chapter gives the overview of the findings on leadership in the UAE and a further examination on the ways in which cultural understandings of leadership and theories of leadership cut across the contemporary institutions [...]

Child Labor in Turkish Cotton Industry

The global initiatives pertaining to child labor have been successful to a great extent in reducing the instances of child labor in the developing countries. Among the workers who work in the fields, the percentage [...]

History of Easter Bunny in Canada

It will give the symbolic meanings of the bunny and its eggs, and the historic aspect of all the actions that occur during Easter celebrations in Canada.
  • Subjects: History
  • Pages: 8
  • Words: 2226

Importance of Outdoor Free Plays

Since the amount of time that children spend while playing outdoors has fallen drastically over the past few decades, it is vital to persuade children to play outdoors in order to grow socially, physical, creatively, [...]