Free Critical Writing Examples. Page 21

4,550 samples

The Impact of Social Isolation

Peterson, the author of the article, focused on the challenges the world faced with the pandemic's restriction on social isolation, inviting Emilie Kossick, the manager of the Canadian Institute of Public Safety Research and Treatment, [...]

Issues in Program Implementation

Ensuring inclusivity in program evaluation and design is possible through unrestricted communication and information sharing, increasing the understanding of leaders regarding the effective implementation of the program, as well as intentionally incorporating a diverse group [...]

Scientists’ Moral Responsibility and Ethics

Decades ago, it was the duty of policymakers, scholars, and the general public to deal with the effects of new knowledge while the scientists primarily conducted research. Therefore, the scientists have a responsibility to their [...]

Ethics of Profession Overview

According to Shapiro & Stefkovich, the professional ethics is the combination of ethics of critique, care, and justice. Furthermore, Freire argues that the highest goal of education is to free a person from relations of [...]

The Ethics of Critique

Thus, the philosophers' concept of human freedom and equality as the highest value is the ground for to struggle for human rights. As a result, showing care and concern contributes to the spread of moral [...]

Ethics of Justice: Making the Right Decision

This paper aims at analyzing the case of Arizona University from the point of view of ethics and reaching a solution corresponding to the ethical principles, along with discussing alternative perspectives on the subject.

Infection Control and Prevention

For this reason, the existing Guidelines on Infection Control Practice in the Clinic Settings of the Department of Health state that the implementation of these practices is the key to positive outcomes and patient satisfaction.

School Bus or Walking

Given that a child's education is paramount both to the school and to the parent, how can the school be very insensitive to the need of improving quality education of the students?

Social Work Practice Overview

Thus, community development is the process of increasing the quality of living of a particular community based on their needs. The historical context of CD and CO influences the direction and goals of social work [...]

Child-Sex Tourism and Law Enforcement

In this case, arresting children is the only way to get rid of child-sex tourists. Therefore, the only effective way of dealing with this problem is to take lawful actions against those involved in child-sex [...]

Crime in 2020 During COVID-19

The number of violations of the law related to cyber security and information technology has increased - hacking of personal accounts in the financial sector and social networks, telephone fraud.

Artist-Promotion Relation: Commercialization and Art

Through Orlean's article, the artist-promotion relation, in addition to being a commercially successful marketing move, it could be sensed that the author views this relationship as a step of closing the gap between the art [...]

Expression Symptoms of Depression

A major finding of the critique is that although the research method and design are appropriate to this type of study, the results may be speculative in their validity and reliability as the researchers used [...]

Canadian Music Production Industry

So, ethnic music is of great importance for the Canadian music production industry, as it can describe the history of the country and give a notion of Canada from the point of view of ethnicity [...]

Eve’s Character in the Bible

Eve is the central character of the narrative in Genesis 1-3 and one of the central figures in the Bible. In this regard, understanding the development of Eve is essential, including the analysis of her [...]

Authentic Leadership Review

Loss of trust poses a risk to the entire political and socioeconomic system and is a challenge for researchers of leadership in psychology and organizational sciences.

Healthy Working Environment Toolkit

For this reason, different specific toolkits provide both employees and employers with an opportunity to assess the current state of the working environment and find areas that should be altered to ensure the increased efficiency [...]