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Marlboro Cigarette Company

The following are the specific problems that the company is facing: How can the company advertise and sell its products without negative effects of anti-tobacco campaigns How can the company sell and market its products [...]

The Epic of Gilgamesh

Enkidu, another man who is also depicted in the Epic of Gilgamesh as having a power in terms of how he treated his companions, meets King Gilgamesh in some of the scenes in the epic [...]

Law and Social Theory

Therefore, the theories proposed by Emile Durkheim and Max Weber are very important in providing the different perspectives that are illustrated in attempt to come up with the meaning of law and the factors that [...]

The Concept of Ethics in Groups

Understanding group dynamics plays a crucial role in increasing the level of success in a group. Second, group members should conduct themselves in a manner that promotes the values and interests of their group.

Italian Mafia in America

The demand for protection occurs when the government is unable to resolve disputes in permissible markets and as such, entrepreneurs engage in the sale of illegal commodities in illegal markets.

Burt Rutan Biographical Studies

Through his company, he designed several planes that have left a legacy in the aviation industry. The success is a major achievement in the aviation industry, especially for the private industry and the rejuvenation of [...]

“Who is a hero?”

In the ancient times, a hero in the Greek was regarded as a person with overwhelming courage to face the challenges that affected the community, some of the common challenges of the ancient times included [...]

Polished Diaper Cakes Business

In order to make the Polished Diaper Cakes' products inclusive, the business will create multiple brands from a single package to fit within different themes without changing the composition of each packages.

Same-Sex Domestic Violence Problem

Domestic violence in gay or lesbian relationships is a serious matter since the rates of domestic violence in such relationships are almost equivalent to domestic violence in heterosexual relationships. There are a number of misconceptions [...]

Marcel Duchamp and His Conceptual Art

Through the baffling ideals presented by Duchamp as a result of the different aspects of the environment he was operating in, art and design were upgraded from the physical to the intellectual realm.

The Social Cost Issue

The concept of "social cost" is applied in the economic analysis and estimation of most impacts. The writer observes the economic implications of such impacts on the social realm.

Art Definition and Development

Knowing peculiarities of the appearance of the main cultural peculiarities of the epoch, it is possible to guess what kind of art was appreciated and how it was connected with the life of people.

Islamic Art in Africa

The question of what it entails to be Hausa is briefly addressed to uncover the dynamic nature of Hausa culture and the religion that plays the main role. The study of the Hausa art offers [...]

Parenting Styles of Young Adults

The authoritative parenting style generates intrinsic motivation in students, which enables them to have better academic performance. Different studies have indicated that better academic performance is not confined to the authoritative parenting style.