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The Martha Stewart Case

The objective of this paper is to analyze the 'Martha Stewart Case' and discuss the communication skills that she used. In relation to the Martha Steward case, business communication is a fundamental aspect for one [...]

Bottega Veneta in Italian Fashion

The upper part of the dress reminds that of Bottega Veneta; the pieces of fiber cross a bit higher than in case with Tomas's dress and they are made from thinner cloth.

Criminal Justice System in Australia

There have been fears that the criminal justice system in Australia is not as strong as it should be considering there have been lapses when dealing with gender, social class, and even racial matters.

Economy of Russia: Analysis

The framework designed by the state authorities is quite different from the Western counterpart because it is supposed to represent the needs of the Russian people and be applicable to the environment of the target [...]

Presidency of Hugo Chavez

For instance, because the actions Chavez has undertaken antagonized the US and obstructed its foreign policy, during the Bush Administration, the Venezuelan government was considered a threat to the US in the Latin American region.

Nineteenth Century Music: Virtuoso Performances

Four factors characterized early nineteenth-century music: the rise of public concerts, improvements in transportation, the Industrial Revolution, and the glorification of genius and personal expression in the Romantic Era. The style of the pianist in [...]

The Rise of Virtuoso Artists in the 18th Century

While it is true that ornamentation played a very important role in the early baroque music performance and that it was instrumental to the early sociento style of music, there is no denying fact that [...]

Women’s Role in World War II

The significance of this event is not only due to the destruction and the great number of people that were killed in the said conflict but also the numerous precedents that help changed the course [...]

Luchino Visconti: The Films and Politics

It is needless to say, of course, that Visconti's decision to relocate to Italy in 1939 did not come as a result of his patriotic feelings being awakened Visconti had simply decided to pursue the [...]

Evolution of Formal Organizations

Successful self-management of a company required sufficient knowledge about the work process and its management to make informed decisions about health care, the performance of activities to manage the change, and the application of skills [...]