300 Word Essay Examples & Topic Ideas. Page 40

4,948 samples

Prohibiting Slavery in the United States

In other words, the original ideas incorporated the considerations of sexual immorality due to the abuse of the affected persons and the practice of breeding people for sale. The contributions to the discussion were also [...]

Cultural Assessment Models in Nursing

This aids the nursing practitioner in developing a nursing care plan that considers the patient's culture. As such, Spector argues the interconnected nature of healthcare and political, social, and economic factors when providing care to [...]

Victimless Crimes: Definition and Types

Again, the taxpayers are the victims in such a case as they have to contribute to the rehabilitation of the drug users. As such, some of the so-called victimless crimes have identifiable victims.

Scheduling Systems to Businesses

In addition, it improves organizational efficiency by allowing the organizations to keep track of their operations. A variety of alterations are created by organizations to remedy the deviations from the projected plans using information about [...]

Geochronology and the Age of Rocks

In this line, the marks are not numbers but events of a planetary scale: the origin of life, the appearance of animals on land, the beginning of the split of lithospheric plates and the drift [...]

Importance and Meaning of Green Supply Chains

New production technology, including digital knitting used in Nike's Flyknit footwear series, has promoted the greening of the company's supply chain by causing an 80% reduction in waste associated with upper-section manufacturing.

Bioethics: Human Organs Markets

The sale and use of human organs after the death of a person is a complex ethical and moral issue that people have decided on in various ways at different times. The commercialization of the [...]

Terrorism and Changes in Police Management

Firstly, the police and organizations related to the population's safety prioritized the prevention of terrorism to minimize the damage. Organizing in the police station involves the creation of organizational structure, points of authority, and responsibilities.