10 Page Essay: Examples, Topics, & Word Count. Page 9

4,600 samples

The Case of Google Inc

It has also given the company stability needed for the company to focus in its core business of innovation and design of new products that continue to strengthen the Company's position in the industry.

Organisational Change and Development

The interventions should be sponsored by the head of the company and should be supported by the organization's staff. The lack of support of the various departments is seen as the problem here that has [...]

Ryanair Low Cost Airline

In all, the low price strategy has positioned the airline as the cheapest in the European markets, and it constantly changes its strategy to match the European market.

Deakin University’s Market Research

Thus, the chief purpose of this research is to provide information on the effectiveness of the new campaigns in shifting the attitude of both potential and existing students of the Deakin University to the Deakin [...]

Export wetsuits form UK to Australia

The dynamism in the market require that the firm monitor the environmental factors that affects the exportation of wetsuits, the behavior of competitors, the channel of different participants in distribution chain and the receptiveness of [...]

Planning an Effective Strategic Event

These events constitute things to consider for the preparation of the event and are: Getting an ideal venue for the event that keeps in mind the theme and objectives of the function Getting spacious venue [...]

Women in World War II

The involvement of women in the war was quite significant to the women as they were able to have a strong arguing point after the war and this made it possible for the women to [...]

Risk Management Essay

By complying with the rules and regulations of the organization, the management ensures that it avoids the risks of penalties related to legal systems of a country.

Beazley’s Corporate Governance

Under the UK corporate governance code these involve clear cut role of the board which encases managing organization's assets as well as determining and organizing company's strategy, the role of the chairman who is responsible [...]

Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal

An entrepreneur is a person who ventures out, one who prefers change as a means of growth and is prepared to take risks and is aware of the possibility of success as well as the [...]

Marketing: Tourism in Egypt

Moreover, it can be deduced that tutankhamun mania has increased based on the argument that over-visiting monuments in Egypt is seen to pose damage to the monuments and as a result, visits in the country [...]

Industrial relations pressures in Equity Bank

These issues range from the interactions that exist between individual employees, the employer and their workers, interactions between employers and the relationships that exist between the workers unions and the employers The aim of this [...]

The New Art Of Managing People

The book stipulates that the managers of an organization and all the other superior officials of the organization are not aware that there exists a problem in the organization with regard to the building and [...]

Implementing Quality Systems

In the wake of these requirements, organizations should familiarize themselves with processes and challenges of executing a QMS in order to boost outcomes of the initiative.

Crisis as a Learning Inducement

In order to bring up the level of theoretical and practical understanding of the "organizational learning" process and the way it is linked to the management of the crises in organizations, this paper seeks to [...]

Library Descriptions and Challenges

The name of the library, which we are concerned with, is Clayton and it is a county library system. The headquarters of the library were built in 1988 on Battle Creek and was followed closely [...]

Types of Plastic & Their Substitutes

Manufacturers utilize various techniques in polymerization and one of these is the application of several additives to vary the plastic properties and to attain the desired results for commercial purposes.

Palo Mayombe

During initiations into the cult, the individuals must possess a "sense of wandering" with the dead spirits in order to understand the prendas and the practice of harming or healing of the Palo Mayombe.

Population Growth Control

From a perspective of political economy, control of the population is a matter that is in the sphere of women, and thus they deserve to have right to their sexuality and reproduction.

Pricing Policy Development

To achieve an acceptable pricing policy, it is important for the marketing team to carry out prior research in the following areas; on the mix of products they intend to offer in the market, this [...]

Public Administration and E-Government

The shift towards e-government has altered the structure of governments, the mode of government information transmission and decision making processes. Through benefits associated with e-governments; better, reliable, accurate and timely information and communication is spread [...]

The Great Barrier Reef

The System Analysis Diagram of the Current Situation The first diagram indicates that the effects of human activities on the GBR may not be necessarily direct, and sometimes they are very difficult to trace.

Carbon Dioxide and Greenhouse Effects

Therefore, it means that increasing levels of CO2 in the atmosphere is the cause of global warming. Moreover, critics of anthropogenic argues that, despite the increase in the use of fossil fuel and the temperature [...]

Mental Health Administration

With the increased number of cases, the government opted to have a policy that would see the proper administration of the condition; this lead to the formation of the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services [...]

London Olympics 2012

The city of London has the privilege of hosting the event this year and it is the hope of everyone that the event organizers will provide the best experience to entire viewers.

Geometry, Space, Manipulative, and Technology

In this research report, the focus of the study will be centered on the topic of geometry, space, manipulative, and technology. This is the part of the research that facilitates understanding of the geometry and [...]

Gifted Student

The paper is a report about policies and practices needed to be in place to help meet the needs and aspirations of gifted students with special needs.

Home Delivery of Medication

However, for a long time, many businesses have not ventured into the delivery of medications through the home delivery business model because of the sensitive nature of the drug market and the numerous legislations that [...]

Green Business Strategy Approach

The adoption of this plan will enable the community and management of Princeton Mart to work collaboratively to protect the environment and responsibly utilize the natural resources through an elaborate environmental stewardship program.

Wendy’s Fast Food Restaurant

The design has the potential to elaborate on the cause of failures inherent in the establishment and possess the capacity to make recommendations on combating the challenges.