2 Page Essay: Examples, Topics, & Word Count. Page 47

40,326 samples

Ecosystem in the rainforest

The lower the level of the energy pyramid, the higher the number of the organisms. In the circumstances of a rainforest ecosystem, the primary producers occupy the bottom of the energy pyramid.

Air and Water Pollution

Thus, it is classified as a primary pollutant because it is the most common pollutants in the environment. In the environment, the impact of carbon monoxide is felt overtime, since it leads to respiratory problems.

Power Distance and State

In this regard, countries with high power distance tend to convey huge differences between the citizens and their leaders. Power distance refers to the capability of a culture to value or not value relationship in [...]

Ethical Concepts in Business

In business field, ethics entails adopting values that are beneficial to the business as well as the society. The ethics of virtue is one of the concepts that relate to hiring of people with disabilities.

The Concept of Vipassana Prison Program

Vipassana, in the prison setting, is a revolutionary idea because it gets to the root-cause of the recidivism problem. Supporters of this kind of approach claim that spirituality is a natural way of helping criminals [...]

Culture and Organization Learning

The article 'Culture and organizational learning' by Cook and Yanow explores the issue of organizational learning and the types of learning that they undergo as well as answers an intriguing question on if organizations learn.

Fight Club: Themes and Concepts

This is symbolic of solutions suggested by contemporary movements as to how the society should cure its political, social, economic and personal problems through unconventional means.

Hip Hop Dance

The TV shows such as the Wild style, Soul Train and Breakin, Beat Street also contributed in showcasing hip hop dance styles during the early periods of hip hop hype.

Developing a Mathematical Disposition

The importance of reasoning is to encourage a learner to use of mathematics to explore real-world phenomena. The importance of this aspect is to appreciate the role of mathematics as a tool and language.

Domesticated, Cultivated, and Wild Species

The basic difference between domesticated plants and animals from their counterpart wild species is that they are produced by human activities to attain particular characteristics and are adjusted to the conditions of constant care from [...]

Positioning a New Product

Following the problems that Gillette faces in the Australian market, the company ought to consider carrying out the following solutions: launching a new version of SensorExcel, establishing a R&D division in Australia and reducing the [...]

Antitrust Case: Wal-Mart

Wal-Mart is an example of a company that has been reported to contravene the provisions of the antitrust laws. This gives the monopsonist the opportunity to dictate the market by offering low prices to suppliers.

Robin Hood: Business View

The possible outcomes of the murder of the High Sheriff of Nottingham and the reasons for the fear of Prince John are used as the basis for the creation of the further strategy and action.

The Fire and EMS Training

Research should also be conducted on intra and interoperability, and analyzing of the records of participation in the training of fire and EMS training. This will ease the communication of fire and EMS agencies and [...]

Common School Movement

According to Church, the objectives of the common school movement were to ensure that white children had access to free education, to educate and train teachers, and also to ensure that the state had control [...]

Success Indicators for Hotel Managers

The first success indicator that a hotel manager should look out for is the profit made by the hotel. The fifth success indicator that a hotel manager should look out for is advertising.

Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium

Assortative mating outcome is the change in the frequency of allele and genotypes of a population. Over a long period, this would lead to the variation of the individuals in the whole population.

Human Evolution and Archaeology

Therefore, natural selection can lead to the extinct of a specific population or individual. In brief, natural selection, mutation, gene flow and genetic drift are evolution forces, which determine the viability or continuation of a [...]

Social Pressure and Change

The external pressure facing XYZ might make the company to embrace change because the firm has to adhere to societal expectations in regard to environmental responsibility and general community involvement.

Leadership in “12 Angry Men”

In spite of the fact that Juror # 8 seems to be adaptable to the opinions of the other jurors, he is rather decisive in his following the line of the discussion which is developed [...]

Current Events in Business Research

Business research can pursue a variety of objectives, for example, to examine the attitudes of employees or consumer decision-making. Finally, the ultimate goal of business research is to bring improvements to an organization or solve [...]

The Neglect of the Elderly

In this context, elderly neglect is the failure of caregivers to discharge their responsibility appropriately. Thirdly, caregivers and other people working with the elderly should be given proper recognition to boost their morale.

The Golden Sands Hotel

The given situation can be worsen because leaders and managers of the hotel fail to practice current leadership models and transformation schemes for introducing change and encouraging the staff to offer innovation and technological advances [...]