5 Page Essay: Examples, Topics, & Word Count. Page 72

12,606 samples

Programs of Social Insurance

The category that is highly represented in this group of the uninsured is the working population basically due to lack of coverage for health insurance by their employers and also due to the amount of [...]

Youth Issue: Teen Pregnancy

Only when the parents of these teenagers openly discuss sexuality and the harmful effects of teen pregnancy with their teenagers are they most likely to understand the risks involved with sex and pregnancy and thus [...]

Borders Group Inc.: Analysis

Due to the intense competition in the industry the company is planning to reduce its bookstores in order to cut operation costs to position itself strategically in the limited market place.

Watani: E-Business Strategy

In order to assess the efficiency of the methods used by the management of this organization, it is necessary to pay extra attention to such criteria as the degree of customization, the accessibility of products, [...]

Analysis of Kafka’s Creativity

The story is Josephine the Singer, or the Mouse Folk is summarized just as easy as the main events of the story consist mostly of Josephine singing to people until it fulfils them, and then [...]

Buying an American Car

For many years, the American cars have been the envy of the world. But in recent years European, Japanese and other Asian car manufacturers have beaten the once superior American cars because of their fuel [...]

Homosexuality – Nature or Nurture?

In a letter to The Wall Street Journal, members of the National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality, a coalition of therapists who argue that they can cure homosexuality, stated that "many of the [...]

Contemporary Culture and Pop Art

To understand the essence of pop Art better, the connection between the This is not a Pipe by Foucault and Plato and the Simulacrum by Deleuze and the works of pop art can be of [...]

The UK Travel and Tourism Industry

The shift of the operations in the travel and tour operations from supplier-driven to consumer-driven operations has lead to direct interactions of the consumer and the supplier of travel services.

Natural Sciences. The Soil Bank

Acreage Reserve Program of the Soil Bank, 1956 - 1958: Peanuts* were not in the 1958 programs. Achievements from the conservation reserve program: The soil bank program, as considered earlier, was meant to control the [...]

Sophocles’ “Ajax” Performance Analysis

The analysis of the performance will be based on the investigation of three main issues to be properly developed in the play, which are acting, design and dramaturgy The effectiveness of performance is closely dependant [...]