5 Page Essay: Examples, Topics, & Word Count. Page 72

11,351 samples

Primary Prevention in Nursing

The importance of primary prevention in program development is the fact that it is easier and less expensive to prevent an illness, disease, or dysfunction by promoting healthy choices and behavior in the first place.

Nursing Care Plan For a Community

No one can deny that the social influence on health is significant, where the better health and higher quality of life of community members depend on the level of their participation in the social networks, [...]

Airports and Ground Handling

Put simply de-icing is the removal of the ice and frost that already adheres to the framework of the aircraft and anti-icing is the taking of preventive measures to see that ice does not form [...]

Aging Issues in Canada

In denial, people deny the fact that they are in the situation they are in and mostly they say, "This cannot be happening, not to me".

Sexual Assault and Its Effects

Some of the actions that may be termed to as sexual assault include; intended touching of the victims private parts like the genitals or breasts; voyeurism, subjection to exhibitionism, un-willful subjection to pornography; or the [...]

The Problem of the Childhood Obesity

There are associations between socioeconomic and behavioral characteristics and physical activity and inactivity among children. Prevention of obesity in children and youth is, greatly determined by the community, comprising individuals and families sharing similar values [...]

Business Ethics: Tax Scamming

Of course, in viewing the problem ethically, small business whose incomes suffer from abusive taxations, as their main goal is to justify the inputs made by investors, to produce the outputs for the customers and [...]

Concepts of Human Health

Humoral concepts are lay concepts of health that have been put forth to try and explain how a human body functions and the significance or meaning of the symptoms exhibited by the body during poor [...]

Concepts of the Life of a Lion

As research studies show, the lion takes the second position in the feline family in terms of weight and size, although it is the strongest animal in the family; hence, its nickname the "king of [...]

Jazz Music: Methodological Issues

It is the application and understanding of socio-cultural issues and methodologies that are crucial to understanding the evolution and development of arts in general, and jazz in particular.

Transnational IT Operations

Additionally, any organization that is planning to go global would best opt for the adoption of "transnational organization" as the model for making enterprises at a multinational level The field of transnational information technology has [...]

Legalization of Prostitution in America

The old adage that prostitution is the oldest profession on earth certainly has some elements of truth because since the man invented trade sex has always been one form of payment that was offered in [...]

Types of the Information Systems

A company can use information system to gain competitive advantage via better organisation of data and its storage; for instance, data can be stored in the way that allows direct access to it from inside [...]

State of Crime in California

With the increase in population there was an increase in the rate of crime in California. All of the issues will be based on the crime research data on the State of California within the [...]

The Concept of DNA Cloning

In the approach based on cells both the replicating molecule or the biological vehicle known as the vector and the foreign DNA fragment are cut using the same restriction enzyme to produce compatible cohesive or [...]