Free Report Examples. Page 75

12,489 samples

Business Etiquette Rules of Japan

Remember that the card should be double-sided, and the information should be in English and in Japanese. The card should be given to your collocutor with two hands and with a bow, Japanese side up.

Market Valuation and Investment Appraisal

The report will involve a detailed analysis of the Greater Manchester real estate market, identification of two vacant properties that meet the given criteria with proper assessment of the pros and cons for each variant, [...]

Conversion From Functional to Cellular Layout

Lean manufacturing and TOC stress the importance of maintaining a consistent macro-flow within the entire manufacturing facility for products, to achieve the highest impact in improving the productivity and profitability of a manufacturing plant.

Aluminium Cans Recycling

The process of remelting the cans is much less expensive and less damaging to the environment than making new ones."Creating new containers and making new aluminium involves electrolysis of aluminium oxide, which has to be [...]

Coca Cola Blak Management

The two main ingredients Coca Cola and coffee are already popular in America, and it will not be a difficult task to convince consumers to buy the product.

Models of Ethical Decisions

Given the intense rivalry between the two brothers on who to donate the kidney to the ailing dad, and the chilling revelation of their mother on the paternity of the younger brother, it is convenient [...]

Photography: Critical Analysis

The vertical, restive position of the pencil in each of the slides is indicative of a resort to have finished a particular task, presumably that of writing on the foolscap, with the pencil resting in [...]

The Fashion Show: Famous Designers

Feathers were very much in at the latest shows and they certainly add to the movement. There were many very lovely creations and the idea of creating the animal look was more successful than fur.

Ice-Cream Campaign Frequency Schedule

The frequency of the advertisements in pulsing strategy varies with seasons and with time of the year. The months with high frequency of ads lie in 2nd and 4th quarter of the year.

Australian Supermarket Chain’s Change Program

The main objectives of the organization are to develop a performance appraisal system and to maintain a smooth and successful environment that is free from high turnover and chaos."Performance appraisal has different objectives for management [...]

Buildings Under Construction: Safety Issues

The significance of the fire safety issue in buildings under construction can be also seen through the financial losses incurred by such incidents. The fire safety issues that might be involved in buildings under construction [...]

Snow Canyon: Total Quality Management

And, Management refers to the "accountability and inventiveness of the top management in the context of systematic quality development". Quality development refers to the energetic development of the worth of services and its continuous upgrading [...]