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Business Culture and Muslim Financial Institutions

Objectives Examine the effects of Shariah principles to the performance of Islamic institutions in non-Islamic world To compare the growth rate of Islamic and conventional financial institutions To establish the quality and effectiveness of Islamic [...]

Bullying in the Schools

Furthermore, the law states that training should be done to the teachers as well as the other members of staff on how to deal with bullying and the law also needs the schools to report [...]

Roles of Job Testing

In addition, these pre-tests can help an organization to determine the best cohort of workers who can work in such an organizations' competitive environment.

Culture and International Business

This paper examines the influence of culture in production and consumption of goods in Nigeria. In globalization, universal culture usually refers to the suppositions, principles and practices of people in the west and some leaders [...]

Isamu Noguchi and Ceramics in Japan

Japan is one of those areas of the world that never wholly abandoned its appreciation and exploration into the art of ceramics."Nowhere is there as great an appreciation for the potter's art as in Japan.

Why Do We Sweat?

During warm or hot days, the vessels carrying blood in our skin open up and the glands contract resulting in the sweat glands releasing the fluid through the sweat pores found on the surface of [...]

Hopi is an integrated land

Often, they were against the destruction of the ancient land that they believed was a method of conserving the environment. The interest of the Hopi people is to ensure there is well being of the [...]

Japan Value Exchange Rates

The Japanese yen has already appreciated against the US dollar and surplus of the currency may be reported in Japanese market in the coming days which means the Yen is weakening against US dollar which [...]

Tourism and Ecosystem

Basically, tourism occurs in two forms: "the journey to the destination and the stay including the activities at the destination". The impact of tourism on the ecosystem is usually evaluated in terms of an ecological [...]

Coffee Business in Romania

Structural factors, on the other hand, represent the transition of the banking system to net adverse liquidity position, concurrent to the increase in liquidity demand in the context of uncertainty concerning the economic outlook.

Depression in Saudi Arabia

Question of Study What is the prevalence of Social anxiety disorder and depression in Saudi Arabia? The study supports most of the findings that Social anxiety disorder and depression disorder is common in Saudi Arabia.

A Raisin in the Sun by Jane G. A.

Racial discrimination is the main theme of the book, strongly reflecting the situation that prevailed during the 1950s in the United States, a time when the story's Younger family lived in Chicago's South Side ghetto.

Pollution and Human Health

A freshwater localized ecosystem consists of plants and animals of all kinds. Basically, the cycle of both living and non-living organism within a freshwater lake is interrelated and continuous.

The Federal Trade Commission Act

In order to understand the nature of policy and its its implications on the economy, one must be able to trace the policy goals, which are reflected in the activities that are undertaken as part [...]

Supply and Economic Situation

Most of these strategies are aimed to help Australian companies to enter foreign markets though they can be also effective for other international companies to enter the market of the Gulf Cooperation Council countries and [...]