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A Terrorism Attack in the Middle East

Countries in the Middle East are prone to terrorist attacks rendering it one of the unsafest regions in the world. The importance of this study is to understand the purpose of terrorist attacks in the [...]

Discussion: MSN Nursing Practitioner

Introduction: The advanced nursing practice is a critical nursing branch that offers primary healthcare services, including recording patients' medical history, including the recovery progress and response to medication Thesis: Advanced nursing practicing specialty plays a [...]

Cryptocurrency Crimes in Financial Markets

One of the most relevant, and important news in recent times is the trend of cryptocurrency crimes in financial markets. In this case, it is necessary to improve security systems concerning the management, control, storage, [...]

UberEATS and Design Thinking: Case Study

Each visit contributes to the development of a thorough grasp of the various markets and clients. Each UberEATS designer comes back to describe the issues they saw their clients frequently encounter after spending time in [...]

Researching of IT Ethical Dilemmas

In addition, there are Notified Data Breach Laws that oblige businesses and CSPs to report the incident to the government and all users of the service and customers in the event of a data breach.

Crime Prevention With Rational Choice Theory

In addition, pure RCT may be insufficient for explaining nuances associated with the psychological and social profiles of the offenders. In particular, the traditional RCT faces problems explaining violent crime and irrational risk and reward [...]