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380 samples

Humanities and Justice Studies

The gradual downfall of the Mughal Empire during the 18th century had led to economic disintegration and the constant bouts of conflict amongst the Indian princes hastened economic disruption. An important characteristic of the village [...]

The Sociology of Sports

The institution of sports is very important, useful, and beneficial to the global society. This conclusion brings to the fore a fundamental aspect which has been stated in the thesis, that sports are an important [...]

Religious Belief and Buying Behavior

The main categories to be assessed are religious affiliation and religious dedication in respect to Hinduism and Islam. According to the research, religious affiliation and religiosity play a vital part in shopping conduct.

Designing a Superior Wristwatch

Instead of serving the function of prompting people to lead 'socially-responsible' lifestyles, wristwatches should serve the function of increasing the extent of people's emotional comfortableness with the notion of a godless and chaotic universe, in [...]

Green Computing and Business

This approach requires the management team to grasp the policies and implement the changes decisively, in order to ensure unification of the organization.

Nigeria’s Telecommunication Marketing

The following are some of the objectives developed for the telecommunication industry in Nigeria To find out possible market expansion gaps expand in a five year period To find out the best customers retentions methods [...]

Taxpayers’ Reaction to Payment of Tax

Thus, taxpayers' reaction to payment of taxes should focus on tax compliance and tax evasion in order to understand underlying behaviours that influence tax payment and evasion and get insights on such reactions.

Online Retailer-Consumer Relationship

In this respect, Sweeney defines consumer behavior as "the study of individuals, groups, or organizations and the processes they use to select, secure, use, and dispose of products, services, experiences, or ideas to satisfy needs [...]

Strategy and Structure in Business

The fluid phase of the organization is marked with a lack of standards, procedures, and well-defined policies in aligning an organization to changing market and product trends.

Sustained Incremental Innovation

According to the article Innovation Zone, it was critical for the team members to hold the same values and to work with the same views integrated in the pursuit of the same business goals.

The Reformation of the Rockefeller Drug Laws

The reformation of the Rockefeller drug laws was a significant step forward in the way of softening the draconian measures and enhancing the effectiveness of the anti-drug policies through adopting more humane and cost-effective alternatives.

Ovarian Cancer: Medical Review

Strategies to evaluate biomarkers that help in diagnosing cancer at stage I or II and also in the prognosis of the relapse of the disease in the post-hospitalized patients would enable a better survival chance [...]

SME Franchising in Kuwait

According to Burton et al, international franchising is a mode of entering a foreign market which involves a relationship between the entity in the host country and the entrant.

Family and Medical Leave Act in the Workplace

The FMLA, however, goes further in that it forms a representation of an active effort "to balance the demands of the workplace with the needs of families, therefore advocate for the stability and economic security [...]

Lego Serious Play Methodology

It is related to constructivist theory by Papert, which holds that problems are mere constructions in peoples' minds and thus the solutions to the problems lie within peoples' minds, that is, people can construct the [...]

Adult Education on Operating Room Technology

The introduction of advanced technology into the environment of operating rooms has predisposed the necessity for training the staff. However, the development of the required skills demands impressive amounts of time, whereas insufficient skills may [...]