550 Word Essay Examples & Topic Ideas. Page 39

18,509 samples

Hip Hop Duo: Kung Foo Grip

Though the history of this duo is neither too complicated nor full of some unpredictable and fatal decisions events, it can be used to explain how the lives of two fans of Hip Hop can [...]

How Are Women Portrayed?

The portrayal of women in the news, media, fashion, and film industry is usually not the reality, but a " stereotype based on the attitudes and intentions of the producers, targeted audience and their culture".

Native Americans’ Burial Rituals

Additionally, the obscurity of the perspectives awaiting the dead conditioned the formation of the concept of the spiritual world and the growth of rituals used to prepare a person for his/her existence in the new [...]

The Control Function of Management

Control is geared to monitoring organizational goals while comparing them with actual performances and giving the way forward on the progress of attaining the goals. The Target operational control is geared to the regulation of [...]

Key Financials for SME Petroleum

The financial analysis of a company is useful to understand how the business has performed in the last accounting period. The information provided by companies in the financial statements is specific to the industry, and [...]

The US Budget Making Process

After creating the budget, the Congress must then pass a law that is signed by the president authorizing the government to spend the money through the authorization bill. The presence of long-term and short-term deficits [...]

United States Military Challenges

Nearing the end of the Second World War, the United States demonstrated to the global society that it was moving a step ahead of the rest in military development when it used the first atomic [...]

“Foxfinder” Theatrical Production by Dawn King

The lighting of the stage was remarkably balanced to represent a farmhouse and the intentions of the playwright. The conversation between the couple and the government agent represented the interaction between the state and the [...]

Canada Role in the Cold War

In the article from the Globe and Mail, the main argument is that Canada, as an ally of the United States and the United Nations was inclined to support military activity in Korea during the [...]

Personal Leadership Style in Nursing

Her ability to balance between the democratic and democratic styles of leadership is inspiring because neither of those leadership styles is entirely suitable for emergencies and events that frequently occur in medical surgical units.

Tax Reform in the United States

Furthermore, the adoption of the Consumption Tax as the foundation for the current fiscal system will encourage the residents of the United States to change their buying behavior.